Chapter 26

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A/N: Small time skip. Third person point of view.

"I don't think he will. You say Lucifer is some type of god, which would most likely mean he already knows about this soulmate nonsense." Klaus says after several long moments, debating whether to either rip off Stefan's head or wanting to lock both his girls up forever.

Klaus isn't fawn of the fact Aurora is having human relationship issues which isn't in his strongest suit. Klaus may have lived over a millennium and has done many things, but he hasn't got a clue in handling human nonsense, like this. Maybe he just hasn't found that girl yet to able to?

"Which means he would, unfortunately have to deal with sharing you." Klaus adds.

"Thank you for your advice. What are some of the questions you have?" Aurora says changing the topic, seeing Klaus is uncomfortableness.

"Why do you have an alter ego?" Klaus asks Aurora, unsure what to ask first.

"Growing up I was abused in many ways; some I'd rather not remember. Since I was four, I kept pushing down my anger and hurt. To avoid the punishments that would soon follow or my magic getting out of control. Not that I had any idea how to actually handle it." Aurora explains calmly as she plays with her bracelet.

"I created Alison unintentionally making her a part of me, to hold in my inner anger. She gained darker emotions as I kept pushing them deeper inside me. Eventually Alison became what Hope likes to call; My darker half. " Aurora adds.

Klaus nods, trying to keep his word while thinking of ways to kill all who've harmed Aurora, in such away her mental state had to form a whole new level of sanity.

"Most humans would call it D.I.D disorder meaning I would create different personalities in my head and act as if I were them, switching from plan old Aurora to Alison a girl who has rage issues." Aurora says seeing Klaus's non-talking state as a sign to keep going.

"I don't have rage issues, thank you very much!!" Alison exclaims with a sassy tone, in Aurora's mind.

"Oh please. You've got Lucifer worried about your rage. Thank the gods you don't drive; you'll just kill everyone on that poor road." Inadu says tapping into the mind-conversation, while Aurora's her face looks spaced out and Klaus assumes she's speaking with Alison or maybe Hope.

"Hey! I'm a great driver! Just those humans need to go faster on the highway, not my fault they drive like elderly people!!!!" Alison says defensively.

"Oh no. You don't have rage issues at all." Inadu says sarcastically, making Aurora smirk suddenly turning back to the conversation with Klaus.

"Sorry, um Alison and Inadu were making side comments. Inadu is well, you'll learn who she is later. What other questions do you have?" Aurora asks Klaus, changing the topic once again as she is quite surprised with Klaus sticking to his word.

"Who is Meira?" Klaus asks, remembering the entertaining yet confusing fight between Lucifer and Hope. Meanwhile Aurora looks at him frozen in fear, only Lucifer and her abusers know of Meira.

A/N: Thank you for reading. I hope you all have a wonderful day.


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