chapter 22

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A/N: Alison's outfit is above, Alison's POV

"I can't believe I actually started to get close to Klaus!" I hear Aurora say in my mind for what felt like the millionth time as I fix my necklace in the mirror.

I can't go to a club looking like I committed a murder, even though I technically didn't do anything. Aurora just had to save, Mr. Bourbon drinker. (AKA; Damon Salvatore.)

"Well, the way he looked at us, I don't think he knew. Then again in the past Klaus was a vastly different man. Out of curiosity; when do I have a turn being up front?" I heard Inadu say, then ask. I can't believe there's no spell to shut these two up. Is it worth being in front if I can't get any damn peace and quiet?!

"Look witchy, I've had it. You want to take charge then you'll have to fight me." I say in my head putting my foot metaphorically down.

They soon shut up as I smirked at my victory. Then I flash to a random Club, I think I'm in Georgia? I really don't know. Upon arriving inside the club, I'm met with about two different drunken people hand me free drinks. I take the shots without a second thought, one after the other, I can feel the buzz start to kick in.

The music plays loudly as the lights flash all around the room, I head to the dance floor and start dancing with many different bodies pressed up against mine. I soon spun around and locked eyes with Stefan, whose eyes look so darkened. I smirk as I see it's the Ripper in front of me and not Stefan.

"I see Mr. Overthinker has finally embraced the wild side. Now...." I say to him in my regular voice, I know he can hear me, so why yell? I'm then cut off by Stefan pulling me into a kiss.

I kiss him back, as the music switches to a killer beat. I begin to grind on him as we continue to kiss. Ignoring Inadu and Aurora's screams to stop.

Stefan groans with lust into our kiss and slams me up against the nearest wall, my mind goes many different dirtiest ways as the adrenaline runs through me.

"You really think I won't just fuck you right here, right now." Stefan says, breaking the kiss and moving to my ear as he speaks. Stefan hands slowly move up and down my body as his is firmly pressed up against mine holding me in place.

"All I hear is talking, Stefan." I say boldly holding back my womanly urges, no way in hell I'm being the sub in this scenario.

"That's not my name sweetheart." Stefan says as he growls into my ear and roughly pushes me into the wall again.

"Ripper." I subconsciously gasp aloud in pleasure as Stefan moves his head back to face mine, holding his own smirk and eyes full of lust.


"You really have no idea what you're in for." Ripper adds growling at my earlier statement before and roughly tugs on my skirt, making me gasp yet again in pleasure.

Now this is my kind of fun!

A/N: Thank you for reading this chapter. I hope you all have a wonderful day.


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