Chapter 15

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A/N: Time skip to the ritual, Third person POV.

Finn and Esther are standing in the center of the pendulum, along with five sticks of fire in place around it.

While Klaus, Elijah and Kol stand on the outside, listening to the rubbish their so-called Mother had to say for her actions. Right when Esther finishes her insincere apology suddenly the fire turns to a flaming blue color and unknown screams are being heard all around the fire.

"What's happening?!" Kol exclaims loudly as the wind blows heavier and the blue fire grows taller while the screams grow louder with the seconds that pass.

Aurora Mikaelson appears walking towards the group with her hands lit in the same blue fire that is surrounding the pendulum. Aurora's eyes however are purely black with just a hint of blue in the iris, meaning physically it's Aurora.

However mentally and spiritually it's Alison. Who is not too happy about her biological grandmother right now.

Due to finding out she tried to also link her and Hope to the chain wheel of death, with the rest the Mikaelson siblings.

"You dare try to kill my girl!!!" Alison boomed loudly over the many screams as she passed her father and two uncles looking at her rather alarmed.

The fire dies down slowly as Alison lifts Finn up in the air with a moshing hand towards the sky. While Esther is suddenly being pinned down in the center of the pendulum with the dead screaming souls.

The dead souls slash open Esther's flesh hoping to gain somewhat pleasure from the cruel action to distract them from their own punishments they'll face for an eternity. Some hope their actions will grant them peace and move on to Heaven.

The souls release Esther and make her stand on their own feet while Alison walks closer to the pendulum. Esther can feel many different forms of pain fill her body both inside and out, she's never in her lifetime as ever felt such power, even the first-born twin's power; Hope Mikaelson. Won't compare to Aurora's/Alison's.

"You want to stop me; you're going to have to fucking kill me!!!" Alison exclaims using such authority in her voice.

It truly scared everyone around her unknown aware what power Aurora truly has. Especially the Twin's Father; Klaus Mikaelson. For a second everyone wondered if Aurora/Alison could truly be the lord of hell?

Alison soon suckers punches Esther right in the jaw causing Esther to step back a bit due to both the pain and shock at the powerful punch. Alison, however, continues to punch Esther till she had Esther's back up against the nearest tree.

Esther screams in pain as she begs to just kill her right then a there. Which only Alison smirks at, knowing that Esther's torment won't be over yet.

Alison slowly steps back away from Esther, still holding eye contact with her as Alison uses her magic to hold Esther to the tree. The souls release Finn from the air, making him hit the ground with half of his body burned and his other half covered in blood with huge gashes.

"You want to feel what true pain feels like..." Alison says coldly with a deadly smile, enjoying this all too much.

Suddenly Esther begins to feel her eldest son's pain and then sees many different hands rising from the ground pulling her eldest son down with the screaming souls. Alison continues to keep looking right into her prey's eyes as the feeling of such a rush fills her. Now this is the kind of hunt she craves.

"Oh, come on it's not that painful. I've had worst done to me." Alison says to her grandmother who is now bleeding out from her eyes while she's suddenly coughing on the oxygen inside her lungs.

"Oh, how I love magic." Alison thought to herself as she grabs the top of Finn's head and ripping his whole body in half as the blood covers her whole-body, yet Alison's eyes never leaving Esther's horrified ones.

Meanwhile Klaus, Elijah and Kol are all shocked, it wasn't till Lucifer and Hope showed up looking alarmed. More like deja vu then alarmed if anything they thinks Alison is holding back her hand-to-hand combat skills rather than just using her magic to fight her battles. At least in this one anyway.

"You're a disgrace to nature herself." Esther gaps out as sharp pain fills her lugs with each word she speaks out.

Alison scoffs with a cruel giggle as she slowly steps forward, like she's getting ready to dive in her food. The wolf in her growls with hunger for justice as well as the thrill of being brought out of her inner cage.

"Really that's the best you can do, oh sweetheart I know I'm a mistake and I'm damn proud of it." Alison says stopping at a good distance from Esther and throwing her body onto Esther's as Alison rips out her grandmother's heart out of her chest.

Esther screams for a second then her body falls onto the ground as she is suddenly lit in blue flames burning straight into hell where she's spends her afterlife, Alison turns around facing her bio family and takes a bit from the heart showing no remous to the heart nor the fact its teats horrible.

Alison swallows the "food" and throws the rest of the heart in the flaming fire like it was some apple core, soon she walks out of the pendulum with a smirk of pleasure in her eyes. As if she's feeling content with her hunt?

"I did this for my girl not you Andrea." Alison says eyeing Hope's body language, Alison still believes Hope will turn on her just like everyone else has done in many ways.

"I'm here whether you like it or not. Hell, and back." Hope says slowly stepping towards Alison knowing more there was more to that statement than what was said, while the rest of the family beside Lucifer is confused beyond words.

Everyone ones the twins will kill anyone for each other, that would include their own family member if it came down to it. So why is Aurora or her Altor half acting as if she doesn't trust Hope? There's so much that they don't know about.

"Heard that before, tell me something I don't know." Alison says sarcastically with her eyes rolled at Hope. Alison's eyes move to Lucifer's, who silently tells her to switch back to her humanity side.

When Alison only smirks, his way, Lucifer flashes in front of his mate then flashes again them to a nearby tree.

Lucifer grows as his eyes turn red showing his dominance and silently having a conversation with their eyes, making Alison give in with a huff and Aurora regains her whole body mentally and spiritually. While the rest of the family watches with curiosity, well most of the family. Klaus stands there with wanting to kill the bloke and lock Aurora up.

"What the bloody hell was all that?!!" Kol says ganging the couple's action and Aurora lightly pushes Lucifer away, then walks to her family feeling a needed to go have a shower.

"My dark side." Aurora answers her uncle and walks past them heading to the mansion.

"That's not normal, at least not in this family!!! Kol exclaims to his youngest niece not sure what just happened.

"Get used to it!!" Aurora yells back as she continues walking back, hearing Hope laugh aloud as Hope starts to catch up to her twin, which the rest watch the twins in confusion.

A/N; Thank You for reading, comment down bellow what you all would like to see more of? I hope you all have an amazing day.


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