Chapter 8

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(A/N: Third Person's POV  at Ric's Apartment )

" Hope, we have to get going." Klaus said through the door, to which got no response back.

" Why would she be there?" Hope mumbles out in confusion as Klaus over hears.

Klaus sighs in his mind knowing he'll just get half answered questions and walks away heading towards the call.

Klaus's mind spun with fear for his youngest whom he hasn't know for very long.  However he's fatherly instincts hold such protectiveness to his Little moon just as much as Hope.

" There has to be a way to save both my daughters." Klaus though to himself as the screams of his youngest in pain.

Mean while back inside Hope and Aurora's temporary room. Hope puts the last few things in her bag and she re-thinks her plan to make sure their dad doesn't go to New Orleans just yet.

With an sigh out bring Hope back into reality, she zips up her bag and throws it over her shoulder. 

With one more glance around the room, Hope walks out of the bedroom.  As she walks into the Main area of the apartment, she see Stefan looking emotionless with empty blood bags everywhere. 

" Great, ripper Stefan is here. That's just great."  Hope thought to Herself as she heads towards the car outside.

Upon Hope arriving at the car, she silently hops in. Were as Klaus saw the mixed emotions on his eldest daughter.

Klaus can't tell if she either is going to kill someone or she may cry, again. Maybe even both. Stefan hoped in the back a few seconds after Hope.

" What's wrong with her?" Stefan asked as he noticed his soulmate's twin in-stressed.

" It's a long story." Klaus said as he started the car and began to drive off.

While they drove out of town Hope began playing with her bracelet while looking out the window thinking the worst about what's happening to her twin. which makes her more revengeful. 

Stefan on the other hand could tell this had something to do with Aurora, which he felt a little confused about whether he cared enough about her or not.

" some mate bond." Stefan thought to himself for some reason.

( A/N: Meanwhile in New Orleans)

Aurora woke up and she hissed in pain from moving too fast. She noticed white bandage's all around her body, and soon she started to look around her surroundings. Aurora noticed she was in a cabin somewhere, she began to feel as if someone was flipping off the switch. 

"Stefan." Aurora thought to herself. 

Aurora tried to get up only to collapse on the wooden floor naked. Before Aurora could do anymore damage to herself, she heard footsteps walking towards her.  Aurora crawled to the nearest concern and hid, fearing Jonathan is near.  Aurora saw two men.

One on the left is a young man with brown-hair and brown eyes wearing a dark washed blue jacket.  A washed brown t-shirt and dark-denim wash jeans with a pair of black hiker boots. It reminded Aurora of an outfit she made MG and Klabe wear after losing a bet.

The one on the right has dirty blonde and Blue eyes, He wore a black leather jacket with a white t-shirt that showed off his neck tattoos.  He's also wearing a bright blue washed jeans with the same hiker boots.

" We can hear your heartbeat princess, we are the good guys." The leather jacket guy said as they looked at where they heard the heartbeat coming from.

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