chapter 11

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( A/N: Time skip a few days later, Aurora's outfit is up above. Aurora's POV)

I've been riding around Amos Lee for a few days, currently I'm outside L.A. at a gas station filling up the tank.

Once the tank is full, I put back the handle were I found it. As I'm close the cover a car pulls up behind me and fills their gas's tank up. 

As the person's doing that I felt their eyes on me.

I didn't bother checking whoever it is, I've already got my man.  Who probably doesn't remember me but besides the point.

I went inside to pay for the gas. Stupid me for not carrying around a credit card.

After I paid which was expensive, I thought prices of gas would be cheaper around this timeline.

Like 30 bucks for gas's!!  Bloody haven!!!

I walked out of the store and headed to my motorcycle, I still felt eyes on me.

Don't they have anything better to do? Like I know I'm hot. Don't have to state the obvious.

I put my helmet back on and got on the seat, I start up my bike and rode out of the gas station. 

I decided to head back to Mystic Falls, Hope's probably losing her mind, again.  Along with who knows what the dream is this time.

My guess is Stefan being an asshole, or at least that's what I remember Ric telling me in my timeline.

From what I remember Ric tell me Stefan's humanity switch had or I guess has been broken?

Honestly that man is confusing, he needs to accept his ripper side. Not try to him contain it like he's been doing.

Fucking moron... I mean what a sad way to..... Nah he's just a fucking moron.

( A/N: Time skip to Aurora arriving in Mystic Falls )

I pulled up to a mansion where I could smell Hope sent, I parked my bike and took off my helmet.

I heard the door open and I turned my head to see Hope standing there with rest of the family behind her. Well almost Hayley isn't here yet.  At least I don't think so.

I got off my bike and ran to her, I dropped my bag to the ground and jumped into her arms.

" You are such  a fucking asshole."  Hope exclaims as I wrap my arms around her neck and my legs around her waist.

I nuzzled my head in her neck, as I felt Hope tighten her hold on me.

" I looked everywhere for you." Hope add as I felt my shoulder getting a little wet.  Dame Hope's crying.

" I was too angry, I could've hurt you. I'm sorry." I mumble into her neck closer to ear so she could still hear me.

" They are all awake, a Ball for the family is happening this Saturday." Hope breathed out as she held me tighter, if it's possible. Almost like I'm going to die or disappear.

Odds are, I'd do both.  If I didn't get my anger fully out of me. I would've probably let the dark side in as I was driving and unlock my vampire side.  

Now that's a scary thought.  Me becoming a full tribrid by birth with a Mermaid side that's also unlocked along with no humanity. The wold would say ''fuck it we did what we could let the monster lose I'm out.'' 

My loved one's on the other hand  would fight to their keens to get my humanity back on. I would who would be left standing?

I know Lucifer can't die, since he's a god which are Immortals.  lucky A-Hole!!!  However it would be still fun to kick his ass a few times.  

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