Chapter 9

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( A/N: A few months later, Aurora's outfit is up above. Aurora's POV)

~  inside a motel room in Tennessee.

 I woke up to the sound of birds chirping, with a sigh. I rose from the bed and went to getting ready for the day.

After feeding more refreshed, I went to the full length mirror and looked at myself as I begin to thinking over the past few months.

I managed to heal in a month and a half, which is amazing since it would usually take me three months to fully heal after my transformation like that.

While In that time, I befriend both Jackson and Alec, along with some of the pack members.  

Last month a pack of werewolf hunters came and tried to hunt down the Crescent Moon pack. Thanks to Marcel.

I used some of my magic to make the hunters hunt the opposite way where the pack was hiding at the time. I ended up having to leave New Orleans before the vamps could get me. Aka Marcel's Goons. I guess old habits die hard.

The pack didn't want me to go alone, since I just fully healed at that time and was  worried if something were to happen to me.

I told them who I really am and where I came from,  for some reason that didn't make them fear away but made them more protective of me.  

It was the only thing I could thing of at the time, telling them the truth was the only thing that gave me the chance to convince them not to follow me or come with me. 

 I said my thank you's to them before I parted ways with the pack. After I made sure the pack was safe again, from hunters. 

 It's cruel and heartbreaking to see  such  humble people having to live like  animals trapped in a cage like this, they are still fuck in people. I mean yes they  transform into wolves but that's  their nature. 

 I can't wait until I meet Marcel later on, so I can  kick his ass. 

Once I made it outside of New Orleans I used my magic to make  a truck appear , I got in and started to drive to Tennessee. Where I have a feeling that's were they'll be. 

I sighed out as I pushed the past few months away as I look at myself one late time. 

With a smile of approval, I started to clean the room I'm staying in. 

After I cleaning up the room and packing all my stuff, I grabbed my bag and made a portal to where I'm hoping they'll be. 

If I remember correctly Alaric told me their was a time where he helped two of his friends find Stefan and Klaus.

He told me in the end they walked up halfway up the mountain and almost got eaten by Klaus's fail attempt to make his hybrids at the time. 

So If I'm correct Hope should be at that mountain and that's where I'll be going. 

I walked threw the portal,  soon I'm surrounded by nature.  I started to walk north were I smelled Hope's sent.

I know I'm getting closer to were the pack of wolves lived, why is it always at the top of mountains pack lived? Couldn't it be like maybe halfway up?  My legs hurt!  

I could hear others talking, it sounds like Klaus and a voice I didn't know.  As I kept walking I saw Hope come into  view, I feel like I may cry. 

" Hope." I breathed out as she turned around and I saw a few tears stream down her face. 

" Aurora." Hope cried out as we both ran towards one another and I jumped-hugged her. 

" You're okay, you're okay." I heard Hope breathed out as she tightened her hold on me. 

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