Chapter 1) Goodbye Forever!

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L: I really hope you guys are excited for this cuz I sure am! I hope you guys really enjoy!!!!

Pic is of--Lance

Song for this Chapter-- Sleepy Head by Passion Pit (great song you guys)

Enjoy! Comment! Vote!

*Lance's POV*


I hear my name and whirl around in the mall food court. Sitting at our usual table is Ash Boyd, Nick Moore, Oliver Winson and Jaclynn Torrent. Aka- My best friends. We had agreed to meet here for one last hang out before we all went off to college that weekend.

It was Oliver that had yelled for me and he jumped up from his seat and ran towards me, leaping into my arms.

Oliver had just recently- like a year ago- come out of the closet with his beautiful baseball-playing boyfriend Nick. They were absolutely C-U-T-E cute!

I swing him around dramatically and carry him back to the table, setting him next to Nick.

"Nicky!" I say, throwing my arms around his neck.

"Hey Lance." His cheeks go red. Such a cute kid.

"Lance-a-lot." Jaclynn smiles and waves. I sit in between her and Ash. Speaking of....

"Ash?" I wave my hand in front of his face. He was totally spaced out.

"What's his deal?" I ask the table.

Collective shrugs make their way around the group and I hop onto Ash's lap.

"Ewwwwwwwww....Lannnnnnce." He shoves me onto the floor immediately.

"Welcome back buddy." Nick jokes.

"How was Lala land?"

"Fiiiiiine." He purses his lips and goes back to staring straight ahead. I follow his gaze and groan.

Across the food court stood Ash's crush, Brad. "Just ask him out already!" I flail.

"Nooooooo... What if he rejects meeeee?" Ash whines.

I glare at him until he gets up to go say hi. Good boy.

We all agree to go see a movie. We choose the worst looking movie on the screen and go find our seats.

Ash sits next to Brad. Nick next to Oliver. Jaclynn next to her boyfriend (When did he get here?!).

I stand next to the aisle awkwardly, shifting from foot to foot.

"Are you really okay Lance?" Oliver asks, concern knitted on his face.

"Yes." No.

"You miss him already don't you?" His face is sullen.

I nod sadly.

It had been a week since Spencer, the love of my life, had been forced to move to Washington state for college. His parents didn't give him much of a choice... The goodbye was sad.. And little Lance here is left lonely-and a virgin no less!

I sigh and take a seat next to Oliver. He leans his head on Nick's shoulder and reaches over to grab my hand. I smile sadly. He's such a sweet friend. He gives my hand a little squeeze as the lights go down.

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