Chapter 13) Fuck You... We Were Getting To That

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L: My dear sweet lovelies, I think it's about time for an update don't you think? :)
Song for this Chapter-- Portions For Foxes by Rilo Kiley
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  He... he got me a promise ring?

I stare down at the little silver ring o my left ring finger. Wow...

My eyes start to tear up again and I quickly swipe the tears away from my cheeks.

"Ash!" I call, standing swiftly to my feet. "Ash, I'm going out!"

I don't wait to hear a response; I'm out the door in seconds, pulling on my scarf as I race off campus and across the street to the book store. I burst in through the front door, much to the surprise of Adonis's brother, Elliot.

I lean forward on my knees, breathing heavily. I've never been much of a runner. Damn... I need to work out more. Psshhhh what am I saying? I don't do gyms. Or exercise. But I'll tell you what I will do. hehehehe.

Focus, Lance, you're here for a reason.

"Where?" I ask once I've started to catch my breath.

"Upstairs." he points straight up to the ceiling.

Once I'm up in the apartment, I run straight towards the white-haired boy sleeping on the couch and jump onto his chest, nuzzling my head into his neck.

He gasps, eyes shooting open as he sits upright abruptly.

"Jesus! What the hell?!"

I cling to him as if for dear life until he calms, realizing what's happened.

"Lance?" his voice cracks.

I nod, holding him tighter.

"Lance..." he relaxes, wrapping his arms around me.

We stay like that for what must have been hours, neither of us wanting to let the other go.

I draw in a shaky breath as he pulls back slightly to look at me. "I'm sorry.."

"No I-"

"Ehhn! Let me finish. It's my turn." I say stubbornly.

Adonis rolls his eyes but smiles softly.

"Okay. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have run off like that; it was puerile of me to act that way. I should have given you a chance to explain... and for that, I am sorry." I look down at my hands, twiddling my thumbs in the space between us. "After I ran off, I didn't know how to react. I sat at home and moped and baked enough to feed the French army and let Marie Antoinette eat her cake. I had to give most of it away..."

"That was you? I was wondering why all of my professors had so many sweets."

A blush climbs into my cheeks and I shrug sheepishly.

"Lance-" he says, serious once more.

I shake my head adamantly. "Let me stop you right there. This says it all." I say, holding up my left hand to display the ring.

Without warning, he takes my hand and slides it off of my finger.

"What are you-"

"Shhh. My turn." he smirks.

He twists something off of his own finger and holds it up next to mine for me to see. It's a ring almost identical for mine, save for the size. He fixes them so that the engravings match up to form one perfect heart, a smug smile on his face.

"I still can't believe you bought these..."

Adonis simpers, slipping the ring back onto my finger.

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