Chapter 17) Um... I Think You've Had Enough

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L: I'm so ready for this chapter!!!! Woohoo!! So to make up for not updating for like a month, I'm going to update as much as possible!
Song for this Chapter-- This is Halloween from The Nightmare before Christmas
Enjoy! Comment! Vote!


  I look over the array of treats in front of me, assessing my work. Marshmallow ghosts, caramelized apples, marshmallow mummy cookies,  graveyard dirt cake, and-

  "Ooh! I can make a Salted Caramel Apple Snickers Cake! I saw them do it once on Today I think. Let's see, I need all purpose flour, granulated sugar, unsweetened cocoa powder, baking soda, salt, cinnamon, allspice, three eggs, apple sauce, canola oil, vanilla extract, and strong brewed coffee. Or better yet, warm apple cider."

  The lot stare at me in shock as if I've just recited the numbers of pi.

  "Um... Yeah send me that list, I'll run to the store," Elliot offers.

  "Oh that's just for the cake. I'll need more for the salted caramel and the snickers icing. I'll send all of it to you as I go, just get a move on," I shoo him away as I start pulling out the mixing bowls and spoons. (L: will post the link to the recipe below.)

  "Hey Lance, how does this look?"

  I look up to see Brad gesturing to the apartment.

  Oh my Jesus...

  "It's like a haunted wonderland! How on Earth did you do that?!"

  Brad just shrugs and looks sheepishly towards the ground. You learn something new everyday.


After Elliot returns with all of my ingredients, I get to work proportioning everything into its proper bowl and start mixing. By the time people start arriving, the cake is beautifully on display in the center of the dining table.

  A bunch of people show up, and I'll admit I only know a few of them. Head invited the swim team, Ash (whom is now back to his regular male self) invited some classmates, even Elliot brought in a handful of people. The rest... I have no idea where they came from.

  Ash enters proudly while the party is in full swing carrying a tray of martini glasses, all fogging over eerily. Left and right guests pick glasses off of the tray until it's empty and the drinking begins.

  As I sip tentatively from my second drink, a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist and start swaying my hips to the music.

"Enjoying your first party, baby?" Adonis asks close to my ear. His breath smells like too much alcohol and I gag.

  "How much have you had to drink?"

  "Just enough," he slurs, starting to trail kisses down my neck. I shudder. I've never really liked drunk people. Their breath smells bad, they fall all over the place like they don't have a backbone, and they make stupid ass decisions. I've never let myself get drunk; a lifetime of dealing with Ash was enough.

  "Um... I think you've had enough," I mumble, trying to wiggle out of his grip. If I have to smell his breath for more than a minute longer, I'm afraid I'll puke (and Elliot's couch has been through enough.)

  Finally I get free from his grip and go in search of Ash. I find him dancing in the middle of a huge grinding crowd and shimmy my way to him as best I can.

  I circle my arms around his waist and pull him close as we sway to the music. He surprisingly doesn't try to pull away or yell in disgust like usual. Maybe he's been drinking too. 

  "Adonis is drunk off his ass. How's Brad?"

  "Pffft. That boy was wasted before the first guest arrived. Oh well. Easier for me later, hehehehehe."

  "Ash seriously.... You know I hate drunk people."

  "You're surrounded by them, Lance-a-lot. Just breathe and calm down. I'll stay with you."

  I nod a thanks and rest my chin on his shoulder as we get sucked into the grinding crowd.

  As the time approaches midnight, people start to wander out. Most of the drinking crowd stays though, until at least 3am when Elliot starts forcing people out. He comes to find Ash and I around 3:30 to beg us to go down the road to the dollar store to pick up some cleaning supplies.

  "I asked a friend of mine to come help with clean up. He owes me a favor. I'm afraid we don't have enough da breeze to get the smell or alcohol, vomit, candy, and sex out of my carpet and furniture."

  "Can do, boss," I salute him and drag Ash to the elevator. We talk as we walk, as we usually do. On the way back, we're singing Tango Maureen (he's Joane, I'm Mark.)

  "She cheated!"

  "She cheated."

  "Maureen cheated?"

  "Fucking cheated."

  "I'm defeated I should give up right now!"

  We giggle as we reach our floor and step off the elevator.

  "When you're dancing her dance, you don't stand a chance!" We sing as we unlock the door to Elliot's apartment, "Her grip of romance makes you fall!"

  We gasp and drop our bags at what we see.

  Adonis and Brad, heavily making out on the couch.

  Ash and I exchange a shocked glance and look back. Surely they aren't cheating on us with each other? ...right?

  "Lance.. I love you," Adonis moans, pinning Brad's hands above his head.

  He thinks Brad is me?!?!

  "Ash..." Brad groans.

  Ohhhhh I understand.

  "They think that the other person is us. Brad thinks Adonis is you and Adonis thinks Brad is me."

  " the name of god?"

  "But Ash, you're atheist."


  So after prying the drunk idiots off of eachother, we're able to half carry, half drag them to separate rooms.  I carefully undress Adonis down to his boxers and lay him down. I pull the covers up to his chin and curl up at his back.

  Everything will be better in the morning...

L: short chapter, I know, but I'm only writing because it's going to take a while for my hair dye to process (I'm dying it blue!)

  Recipe for the Salted Caramel Apple Snickers Cake:

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