Chapter 25) Colorguard

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L: So I feel so bad about not updating that I am going to do it again. Since I'm stuck at a basketball game anyway I might as well.
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Song for this Chapter--
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So do you guys remember when our new friends, Liana and Buffy, convinced us to come to Colorguard tryouts? Well we made it! Tryouts were really simple, actually almost too simple. Ash became the master if flag tosses in only three days and I could perform better than even the returning members. Of course I can dance (you all know that story already) so when the coach, Stephanie, had us all learn a lyrical dance, I was at the top of the scoreboard. It just comes so easily to me, you know?

Anyway, both Ash and I made the team, much to Liana and Buffy's delight. Apparently it was rare for Stephanie to let guys on the team. I guess we're pretty special. There was another gay guy on the team who could totally work it girl. Eluhjay? Was that his name?

Our practices will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3-5:30. This works perfectly since my first dance classes don't begin until around 6 in the evening.

I expected this to be a professional team with hard work from the time you walk in to the take you walk out, all seriousness. So when I walk into the gym on the first day to discover a girl flopping on the floor saying "Be the fry" you can understand my surprise.

Her name turned out to be Haillie and I could just tell her, Ash and I would be friends.

We start practice with a group stretch then move to across the floors where we learn a few dance routines. Next is flag fundamentals like drop-spins, carve exercises, single tosses, double tosses, and finally, my personal favorite, pitch tosses.

After all this Stephanie excuses us for a sip of water.

"Isn't this great?" I ask Ash.

"I'm hungry..."

"Adonis is cooking filet mignon tonight so just hold out."

"Hey..." whispers a creepy voice from behind me. Its Haillie. "Do you wanna join my gang?"

Ash and I get all serious and agree.

"Alright. Here are the rules. Rule 1: Don't look down. Rule 2: ...." here she stops and looks around. "...don't fed the children. Rule 3: Howl at the moon. Got it?"

"Got it," Ash and I say in unison.

She backs away slowly, motioning between her eyes and us.

"Well that was interesting."

"You're telling me Lance-a-lot."

We get called back a minute later to meet Stephanie's friend from Hawaii. "This is Brandy. She's here to teach sets and do general layout for on the field next semester when competitions officially start. He will not remember your names so if you get a nickname just roll with it."

Stephanie had talked a little of Brandy at tryouts. She was a really sassy girl from Hawaii where the volcano eruptions messed up her cell signal (which is why I have so classically deemed her volcano girl.) She is so sassy that when she sees Stephanie pop the lid off her chapstick, she makes sure to do it loud enough for the sound to echo.

"Gifted! Come here!" Brandy calls. Haillie shuffles over to where she points and does a frog jump onto the spot.

"Alright, next, behind Gifted, Princess."

Eluhjay, knowing this was his nickname, goes to stand behind Haillie.

Neither Ash nor I get a nickname but Brandy is here for a few more days so maybe in time.

It takes all of the rest of practice to set formations for just the first half. Once we are dismissed, Haillie walks by us and whispers "Rule 1," and Ash and I immediately look at the ceiling. "Good," she says, "Too good." With that she backs away slowly, almost running into a few other people.

"Oh shoot!" I exclaim, looking down at my watch. "I'm so sorry Ash I'm late I have to go."

"Where do even go every night at 6? Sometimes your gone until 10."

"No time to explain," I laugh nervously, slinging my bag over my shoulder. "Gotta go. Tell Adonis I love him. I'll be home by 8!"

I start running, having to leap over someone who was sitting on the floor. I'm out the door and sprinting off campus as fast I possibly can. Jesus I hate running. I need one of those overboard things. Those are fly as fuck.

I finally burst into my 6 o'clock teen jazz class at 6:15, apologizing profusely. Thankfully, my student teacher from the recently chosen junior company class had already stretched everyone.

"Alright, corner! Chainés! 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3...that's it Maria! Make sure you spot Anna, or else you'll get dizzy!"

Right leaps! Then left! Get that back leg straight Angelica!"

Alright spread out, fouettés! Spotting and that supporting leg are key girls! Find yourself in the mirror. You know you look good so don't take your eyes off yourself! There you go! Switch spot to each wall, finish with a double pirouette. Great job Leah!"

I continue encouraging the girls until the end of class. "Remember next week we start learning the dance and you will get measured for costumes! So wear your leotard please!"

The class exits and I gulp down the rest of my water as 7 o'clock hip hop files in. Last week I taught them a small and basic combination so after some stretching we run it until tie end of class. "Alright next week I want to get out the mats and try stunts! Be prepared!"

Utterly exhausted, I drag myself back to my dorm. Adonis is waiting with a plate of food he had successfully kept away from Ash and kiss. "You work so hard baby. You go ahead and eat and I will go start up a hot shower for us. How does that sound?"

"Ugh you have to stand up in a shower," I whine. "My legs are jello, I won't make it."

Adonis rolls his eyes, smiling all the while. "Alright a hot bath then. I'm still joining you."

"I'd be upset if you didn't," I tease, sending him a wink over my shoulder. "Oh and Adonis?"

"Yes darling?" he bats his eyelashes innocently.

"Don't forget the bubbles~."

"How could I? Have more faith in my prince." He bows and heads off into our bedroom. Could I have asked for a better boyfriend? The answer is no, obviously. He is so absolutely perfect; I don't deserve him really.

I dig into the steak and moan audibly.

"Nevermind," I say to myself with my mouth full, "I fucking deserve this."

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