Chapter 5) Fifty Shades of Elevators

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L: oh my dear lovelies, I don't know what's wrong with me today. Maybe it's cuz I've been away from my dear dear Matty for an entire week. Anyway, here's the next Chapter (I'm dying to get to the good stuff but I just can't yet. Or...can I?) 

Pic is of-- Lance

Song for this Chapter-- Props and Mayhem by Pierce the Veil (cuz it's what I'm listening to)
Enjoy! Comment! Vote!

xXWarning! BoyxBoy content!Xx

*Lance's POV*

I hardly sleep that night. Mystery man doesn't come back to the dorm and I had sat up most of the night, waiting. I have to know what that feeling was; that electric charge. It was exhilarating and it was over far too soon. I have to see him again. I have to know if he felt it too.

Economics drags on for what seems like days. Outside, a cold wind nips at my bare arms. Has the second Ice Age already passed while I was in there?

Brrrrr. I hug myself to stay warm and run through the Quad. I'm supposed to meet Avery in half an hour...

The wind picks up, stinging my eyes and I can hardly see. Something cold and icy hits my cheek and I squeal. It's raining?! You lied to me weather man!!

I start up a jog, shivering in the freezing rain.

If I can just make it to an awning I could call for a cab or for Avery! I can't even see where I'm going. Am I running in circles? Oh dear god...

I start to panic and I don't know if it's the harsh wind forcing tears to run down my cheeks or the fear rising in my gut. I swipe at my eyes and I think I'm nearly past the Quad...when someone grabs my fore arm and jerks me back under the welcome cover of a store awning.

I sniffle and subconsciously nuzzle into the warmth of my savior's back. Oh he's warm.

I revel in his warm chest and notice he has his arm around my waist, his hand on my stomach. I glance up through my lashes to identify my knight in shining armor and bite my lip to hold back a gasp. It's mystery man!

His pure white hair is slicked back and wet from the rain. His coat is soaked and slung over his free arm but his black tee shirt is dry and warm. I have to resist the urge to turn and bury my head in the crook of his neck.

A blush climbs into my cheeks as I realize neither of us has said a word. My blush reddens as I realize the predicament we're in: my back pressed close to his chest, his arm around me. We're so close...

In a fit of bravery, I whip around to face him. I expect him to let me go and step back but, instead he holds tighter to me, holding me closer still.

"H-hi." I squeak, my voice shaky.

"Hi." He grins. It's the first time I've heard his voice.

God it's heavenly.

I raise my eyes to meet his and inhale sharply. His eyes are dark, a wicked smile playing at his lips. And it's back; that electricity pulsing between us, drawing me to him.

I close my eyes and swallow, nearly panting with wanting. When I open them again, mystery man looks almost pained. He searches my face and curses under his breath.

"Shit." He breathes and grabs me by the wrist, immediately turning on his heels and dragging me into the store whose awning we'd been standing under.

A little bell rings as the door swings open and I'm jerked inside. It's a book store, I notice.

Mystery man walks briskly to the counter and swipes a set of keys off of the counter, not stopping.

"Again?" Inquires the man behind the counter. He must be at least in his early twenties but no older. He looks amused at the two of us.

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