Chapter 19) Da Da Dadadadada Circus!

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L: So I've decided to start updating this on a mostly regular basis. Every Sunday sounds fair, huh? I realize I don't keep track of when I update my books until I see that it's been a month and then I'm like OH MY GOD THEY WILL KILL ME SOON IF I DONT UPDATE. Jk, you guys wouldn't do that...right?

Pic is of-- Lance

Song for this Chapter-- Circus by Britney Spears 
Enjoy! Comment! Vote!


"Take a seat my little angelic rainbows."

Ash and I inch into the room and sit on the couch facing his desk.

In case you've forgotten, I found a business card on my desk and when Ash and I came to investigate..we stumbled across a man calling himself-

"The Gaydance Counselor. I'm here to help all of my little gaybies out there to find their wings. So, what can I do for you this evening?"

Ash and I exchange a glance. He nudges me in the ribs and I pull his card out of my pocket. "I uh, I found this on my pillow?"

"Ah, yes, my card. So glad it made it to you okay. I noticed you on campus with that sexy piece of cake, Adonis. Word around the block is that that pretty face comes with baggage. I thought it would be best to give you my contact, just in case."

I think back to the blonde girl who had called Adonis 'Master'. My chest tightens and I instinctively start spinning the promise ring on my finger.

"Okay...but what do you do exactly?"

"Why deary, I'm here for you to talk to. I can also KICK THE ASS OF ANY SON BITCH THAT HURTS YOU. M'kay?" He smiles innocently.

Ash raises his hand and waves it around enthusiastically. He's actually bouncing on his seat.

"Are you a stripper?" He asks.

Cameroon goes silent for a moment...then bursts into laughter. "My my little ginger snap, what a tongue. Only on Sundays. The Flower Shop is the name of my beautiful strip club, and everyone who works there will be named after a flower. I am White Lavender, of course."

Cameroon sighs and sets the plush unicorn on his desk. "Sadly, it is just me right now..."

Ash is suddenly behind him, stroking his fluffy hair to calm him.

I have an idea. "You need people, am I right?"

He nods, leaning his chin on his fists.

"Well do I have a deal for you."


"Okay! I'll see you boys here next Sunday!"

"Goodbye Cameroooon," Ash coos.

"Goodbye my little Gingersnap," is his reply. Ash starts heading out as I stand, brushing off my jeans.

"So we're clear?" I ask, holding out my hand.

"All clear, Lily Pad," he assures, shaking my hand gingerly.

I have to race to catch up with Ash as he is practically bouncing off the walls. I feel like someone gave him sugar...

As we come up to our room, we start to here a feminine voice yelling from inside. It sounds strangely familiar actually, although I can't quite put my finger on it..

As Ash opens the door, I'm tackled to the ground. Ah, now I remember.

"Hey! There you are! We've been looking everywhere for you!!" It's the girl from a few days before who had bumped into us- literally.

"I'm so glad I found you," says the dark haired girl from the doorway. "We have practice tomorrow and Steph would kill me if I didn't have my rifle. You do...have it, don't you?"

I nod and stand after the other girl, Liana I think her name was, gets up off of me. Jeez, do they just go around tackling people all the time? If so then they really need a new hobby.

I head into my room and produce the wooden rifle from inside my closet. "So you're BW?" I ask the girl as she takes it from me.

"My baby! Oh mommy missed you, yes she did. She won't let anyone take you ever again," she says to the rifle. She clears her throat after she realizes everyone is staring at her. "Hm? Oh! Yeah, BW, Buffy Winters. That's me. And you've met my friend Liana," she says, gesturing to the red head.

We introduce ourselves and sit around talking for quite some time. They even stay for dinner!

"Hey thanks again for keeping an eye on Buffy jr, here," she says, gesturing to the rifle in the crook of her arm. "You should come see us perform at the football game this Friday night."

I agree to be there and see them out the door. How two girls got into the boys dorm in the first place is unknown to me. But at this point, I'm so tired that I'm pretty sure I could be classified as legally dead.


The next morning I awake to find a note on Adonis's pillow.

I have all morning classes today (kill me now..) so I won't see you until this evening. I'll make sure to have dinner ready by the time you get back.

Oh and ps- there are waffles in the oven, better get to them before Ash finds them. ;)
❤️ Adonis

Aw, isn't he just the cutest thing? I race to get breakfast and hop in the shower. When I'm dressed, I find Ash and Brad gobbling down the rest of the waffles like a starving pack of wild wolves. Good thing I got there first.

Dragging Ash to class is hard enough as it is, but today he was even more relentless. Apparently Brad had asked him to come to their swim meet and he couldn't go. Jeez... This kid gives me a headache.

"Don't forget Ash, we have Ms. Zeus. She's supposed to give us some kind of project or something."

He lightens up a bit. This is our favorite class after all.

"Good morning my little demi-gods! Now, I'm sure you've all heard about this project that I'm assigning. For those of you groaning in the back there, don't worry, it's fairly simple," she says, causing the class to chuckle. "All I'm asking is for each of you to choose a story from Greek Mythology, whether we've discussed it or not, and write a small paper telling me what you think. Whether you agree with what happens, why you think it happened, etc. Not hard."

Adonis comes to mind immediately and I grin. Do a project on my boyfriend? Can do.

"C'mon! We're going to be late for dinner if you don't hurry up!" Ash whines, having recovered from his state of pouting with triple the energy he had this morning. I unlock the door to our room, giving an exhausted yawn. As soon as the door opens, I'm on my back with an arm pressed to my throat.

Why does this keep happeneing?!

"Haha! Got you dork! You shoulda seen your face!"

"Miley get off your brother!"

I look up at the familiar voices. This can't be happening...


L: okay so I should probably explain the title of this chapter. My BFF azalaya  and I, as most of you know, are actually on the Colorguard team (and Buffy and Liana are basically our lives exagerated. They are from The Whore & The Virgin.)

During our time on this team we had a theme one year called Cirque Du Soliel. It was kind of circus themed but not really. Anyway we had this substitute teacher who turned it joke saying Colorgaurd was part of the circus. So every time he saw us, he would sing the circus song: "Da da Dadadadada da circus!" And whatnot. It was annoying but I'll admit kind of funny.

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