Chapter 23) I Bet It Was Ash

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L: I AM SO SORRY YOU GUYS SHOULD NOT FORGIVE ME FOR MY ABSENCE! Honestly though just hound me until I update. My loyal little lovelies you have permission to blow up the comments, my profile page, AND my messages!!! Do it until I actually get something done!
Pic is of-- Brad

Song for this Chapter-- Helpless (Hamilton)
Enjoy! Comment! Vote!


Cameroon and some other guy carry me back to my dorm. Ash stays to finish out his shift, and I don't blame him, the pay is bank. The guys lay me on my couch and prop my ankle up.

"Oh geez that looks pretty swollen... I'll get you some ice," Brad says, walking into the living room. The guy that helped carry me in leaves almost immediately, but Cam hovers.

"Oh I know, how about I fix you some coffee? I have a fancy espresso machine in my dorm. Hmmm.. I'll make you a large gingerbread mocha with extra whipped cream. How does that sound?" Cameroon asks.

"Like heaven actually," I smile.

He smiles and hurries off as Brad returns with a bag of ice. He places it gingerly on my ankle, pressing two fingers around the purple areas. When I finally flinch he nods and hums to himself. "Looks like a high ankle sprain. Nothing too serious. No bones feel cracked so I wouldn't worry about that. However, if you want to go get X-rays just to be safe then that's just as well."

I stare at him like he just spoke in a different language.

"What?" he asks, noticing my confused expression.

"How the hell do you know that?!"

"My major is in nursing... You didn't know that?"

I shake my head. Brad wants to be a nurse? Since when?!

He rolls his eyes and pats my head. "Just keep ice on it. We can take you to get X-rays tomorrow. I'll call to make the appointment because I know you'll forget."

I thank him and he leaves with the excuse of a swim meet. Not long after, Cameroon bursts into my living room with a large mug of coffee. It tastes like a Winter Wonderland. I get him to fetch my phone from my room and then he gets called away, back to the Flower Shop, to deal with a fight that broke out over who gets the first lap dance from Gingersnap. He apologizes, and promises to give compensation for my injury. I try to refuse him (since I didn't really get hurt there to begin with) but I let him give me the next two Sundays off with pay. Might as well reap the rewards right? Shut up, I know I'm a bad person.

I text Adonis letting him know that I got hurt, but he doesn't respond. He must be in class...except its almost 3 am?! Oh my god when did it get this late?!?! Where could Adonis be at 3 am? Could he, no he would never. I text Elliot, knowing he's probably awake working on his newest experiment. He hasn't seen or heard from Adonis either though...Where the hell is my boyfriend?

The door unlocks a few minutes later and he sneaks through. Woah I summoned him! Why is he sneaking inside though?

He turns around, sees me, and freezes. In his arms are two Hershey pies from Burger King.

"Adonis...? What are you...WAIT YOU SIR ARE ON A DIET!!!"

Adonis shamefully looks down at his feet.

"Elliot and I came up with this diet plan just for you! You were supposed to be learning to eat healthier so that you look hot and sexy when Summer rolls around! Plus didn't your doctor mention something about your sugar intake?"

He sniffles, "But...but they taste so good..."

"Adonis," I say sternly, "Drop it."

He shuffles over and hands me the pies.

"Good, now go get me a fork."


"Ech! Bad Adonis! Fork, now!"

"Yes sir..." He heads into the kitchen and brings me back a fork. "So why are you home?"

I open my mouth to answer, but his phone buzzes. "Oh. Got your text. Wait you got hurt?"

He glances at my ankle, and suddenly my Adonis is back.

"How did this happen? I will murder whoever hurt you. Was it Ash? I bet it was Ash."

I chuckle, grabbing his face. "No one did this to me. I did it myself. Unless you want to hurt me? Hehe."

He grins, winking down at me. "Well, now that you mention it..."


The next morning Adonis and Brad drive me to the hospital to get my ankle X-rays. It takes less than an hour, and we head out to lunch afterward at the diner that we've become so fond of. Thankfully, it is only a sprain, like we thought, and the doctor told me that I have to wear a brace and use crutches for two weeks. Ugh...

We stop by a pharmacy to pick up my crutches and Brad adjusts them to my height. Okay, so I cannot walk with these things. Its like having metal arms the size of my entire body. It's weird.... I don't like it one bit.

Wish me luck guys...

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