Chapter 14) I Have The Biggest Boobs!

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L: Hey guys! Update! Yahahoo! So this is a very special chapter because this book's predecessor, The Gay God, has reached 60k!!!! This is so amazing and I love all of you guys! So because of The Gay God's success so far, I've decided to go out on a limb and write this very very special chapter. You'll see why it's special in just a second ;D

**IMPORTANT** : Link to pictures of today's characters(you'll have to open each one individually to see names)-

Song for this Chapter-- Witchcraft by Frank Sinatra


I yawn and sit up, rubbing my eyes. I guess I fell asleep... I open my eyes slowly and gasp at what I see. Five oddly familiar looking girls lay sleeping all around me in place of my friends.

Where Oliver had been curled up in Nick's lap on the chair, a cute girl with dark hair tipped blonde sits on the lap of a light-haired girl wearing Nick's letterman jacket. And where Brad and Ash had been sitting on the floor, a red-headed girl lays beside a girl whose blonde hair curled into little ringlets. I look beside me to where Adonis had been sitting. In his place is a girl with long, bleached white hair, just like his had been. What's going on here?

The girl next to me stirs and her eyes blink open and immediately lock on me. I shudder as I recognize the sadistic, dominant look in her's the same way Adonis looks at me.

"Who the hell are you?" she asks. The girl jumps upon hearing her own voice and her hand flies up to her throat.

"Is that my voice?! What the hell?!"

Her loud yelling wakes up everyone else in the room, and they all have the same reaction.

"Okay, what's going on? I'm kinda scared now.." I ask.

Suddenly I freeze. Why do I sound like a girl? I reach up to touch my face, my hair, my god..

I have boobs?!

Wait... I'm a girl?!

Elliot walks in whistling, as manly as ever. We go quiet as he walks in and he stops in his tracks as he sees us. Something clicks in his head as he realizes what's happened.

" It works!" he exclaims.


Elliot later explains that he was doing an experiment in which- when the correct chemicals are mixed and consumed- the gene that determines a person's gender can be changed.

"You must've put my final solution into the cookies somehow. So when you consumed them, the chemicals entered your bloodstream and altered your genders! I'm such a genius! Ahem, but anyway, you should probably work on your Nom de plumes."

"So let me get this straight," girl Adonis takes a step towards his (her?) brother, an evil glare directed at Elliot, "We're all girls because of your silly experiment?"

Elliot takes a cautious step back.

"It's only temporary...It'll only last a day or two. Since you're stuck like this for now though, why not enjoy it? It might be fun."

We all agree - except for Adonis who just stands by me, sulking - to try it out and report back to him if anything interesting happens. We'll be like little test mice.

Next we have to decide on names. We thought it'd be easier if we made it a rule that it has to be similar to our actual name. Ash chooses to be called Ashley. Brad becomes Brandi. Oliver becomes Olivia. I convince Nick to be called Nicki (hehehe). Adonis finally gives in and chooses Adonia. And I decide to call myself Laney.

Adonis (BoyxBoy) (The Gay God 2) || Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now