Chapter 3) What's An Adonis?

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L: How is it so far babies? I hope good. It's not as popular as the first one which is really really sad. Spread the word dearies. Or else I might die of a broken heart!
Song for this Chapter-- I Just Wanna Run by The Downtown Fiction
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*Lance's POV*

My first day of classes!! Eep! I'm so excited that I just couldn't eat this morning. I only have two classes today thank goodness. I'll still have some time to get to know the campus.

First class of the day...



I meet up with Ash after class since we had the next class together. I'm slowly getting used to my surroundings here. It's so much all at once!

Ash chatters on as we enter the class room and he chooses a middle row to sit in. We squeeze past people and sit in the last two open seats.

Ash's gibberish about Brad is quieted by a loud, thunder-like sound.

But it's perfectly sunny outside...

A tall, lean blond woman enters the room and perches on the edge of the wooden desk. She holds up a thunder sheet and waves it to duplicate the sound.

The class chuckles. I like her instantly.

"Hello all. I'm Ms. Zeus. No that is not my real name and you'll never know what it is!" she laughs maniacally and throws her head back dramatically. Yep. She's fantastic! Sounds like someone I know...hmm.. Oh. It's me!

"Alright my little Demi-Gods, welcome to Greek Mythology 101. Since this class is cut short today- I know I know, it's the first day- I have a little story to tell you.

There was once a boy, the most beautiful youth to ever have eyes laid upon him. His name was, Adonis. Aphrodite, Goddess of Beauty soon fell in love with the child's beauty and entrusted him to Persephone to be raised. There was a fault in Aphrodite's plan though, for Persephone soon also fell for the beautiful boy.

The two Goddess' fought over Adonis until it was decided that he would spend half the year with Aphrodite and the other half with Persephone.

It is said that Ares, Aphrodite's true lover, grew enraged with jealousy over the arrangement and sent a wild bore to gore Adonis, killing him."

We're all so enraptured in her story so that the entire class was on the edge of their seats. The intercom buzzes and a raspy male voice comes over the speaker,

"Teachers, I apologize for the interruption, but I need all incoming students please report to the auditorium."

What a beautiful name...Adonis.


After the dull two hour welcome speech from the Headmaster, I head off campus to meet the group for lunch. I was told that there was an amazing diner down Fifth Street so I had suggested we check it out.

My mind is running over that story that "Ms. Zeus" told us. It's fascinating really. And that name... It keeps ringing in my ears. Adonis. Adonis. Adonis. Has there ever been a more beautiful name?

I'm jerked from my reverie when I bump into someone. We both stumble back but- being the klutz that I am- I fall flat on my bottom.

"Oh I'm so sorry!" Says a high pitched male voice.

"No I'm sorry!" I respond quickly, "I wasn't paying attention!"

"Me neither." The voice admits sheepishly.

I look up as he holds his hand down to me. He's about my height, blonde swishy hair, beautiful green eyes. He wore a white tee-shirt and jeans with a pink scarf.

"Hey, not to be rude or anything, but are you-"

"Gay? Sha duh." He rolls his eyes and smiles.

My smile brightens up as I tell him that I am too. He squeals and pulls me up off the ground, yanking me into a big hug.

"Praise the good God, I thought I'd have to spend this week alone!" He beams.

We laugh good heartedly and start walking towards the diner. His name is Avery Marcott and if I'm the Gay God, he's the Gay King.

He proceeds to tell me how he comes up to Virginia periodically to visit his Aunt and her husband (He lives down in New Orleans, Louisiana and I mean how cool is that?!) His Aunt is the only family he has left. His parents had died in Hurricane Katrina and he had been mostly raised by his Aunt and her husband.

I throw in my own story or two, talking about my old relationship and my recent breakup...

He pats me on the back and gives me a pitying look as we enter the diner. Ash waves me over to where Brad and him are sitting. I slide into the booth as they gape at Avery. I don't blame them. He's very pretty.

"You moved on that quickly huh?" Ash says, sounding unsurprised.


"What?! No! Avery here isn't with me. Not like that. We just-"

"Bumped into each other." He finishes, sipping a milkshake. When did he order that? There's one in front of me too. Aw how sweet. Avery bought me a milkshake.

"Yeah. Literally." I chuckle, rolling my eyes.

We start talking and Avery jumps in immediately. He's such a social butterfly. He has us all giggling and laughing in minutes.

"Don't look now." He says, "Hottie alert, 3 o'clock."

I turn and look out of the window to where he meant and whistle. Wow. Avery is right. He's H-O-T hot-

"Wait. He's got a girl on his arm." I point out to them.

Avery pouts as well as Ash. Brad just sips his coke quietly.

Poor kid. He puts up with all this Gayness and doesn't complain.

Psh. Who am I kidding? I am a PLEASURE to be around.

Adonis (BoyxBoy) (The Gay God 2) || Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now