Chapter 10) Brendon Urie Is Hot As Hell

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L: Ello Ello, the long awaited chapter 10! I've been visiting my great grandmother and fangirling Sherlock for the past week (Go read my Johnlock: Deductible Love !!!!) and so now I'm back and ready to update!
Also: I'm entering the Wattys this year!! Wish me luck my loyal little lovelies! 

Pic is of-- Lance

Song for this Chapter-- Build God, Then We'll Talk by Panic! At The Disco (obsessed with them right now)
Enjoy! Comment! Vote!

*Lance's POV*

My jaw drops and my eyes gloss over with unshed tears. Am I really seeing this?

Adonis stands by the front counter, his eyes narrowed, his expression steady but strong. It's uncomfortably sexy. How can such a harsh expression make me feel like this? Even now when kneeling before him is a petite blonde.

She's on her knees, sitting back on her heels. Her knees are parted slightly and her hands folded in the space between them. Her head is bowed, hair covering her face but, I can see the faint trace of a smile.

"What are you doing here, Kylie?" Adonis asks. His voice is low and husky.

"I needed to see you."

"Kylie. It's over. I even extended our time past the usual three months. And it's long been over. I've got someone else." He says slowly yet forcefully.

"I know but... I'm in love with you master Adonis."

Master Adonis?

Suddenly it all clicks in my head. His binding my hands the night before. His brother calling me a slave. This blonde falling to her knees the moment she sees him. Her calling him master.

Adonis is...wait.

It's possible that I'm wrong. I won't think those words until I hear him say it.

"Listen, I'm sorry that you feel that way but, you're just imagining things. I'm with someone else now. I'm with him." He looks up to me and he looks surprised about the sad look on my face. I immediately cast my eyes at the floor. I can't bare to look at him right now.

"Lance?" His voice cracks slightly and I hold my breath, biting my lip to keep myself from crying. Why am I so upset? He said it himself that they're over. But...

I glance to the girl and she's looking knowingly at me, a look of sympathy and pain in her eyes.

"Lance. Look at me. Please.."

I shake my head and try to steady myself.

"I-I-I should just g-go.." I start for the door but he grabs my wrist, jerking me back and pulling me against his chest.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I whisper, slowly calming as his scent engulfs and overwhelms me. He always smells so body spray and pure Adonis.

"I'm sorry.. I didn't want you to be a part of all this. I don't want that for us.. With you I want...more."

I allow myself to look up at him and search his eyes. He's being sincere.

"You still should've told me... I..I..I need time to process all of this." I push away from him gently and walk out the door.

And get this: he lets me.

He doesn't come after me. He doesn't text or call me even hours later. He just lets me go. Is it that easy for him to be away from me? How can it be when its torture being away from him for even a minute?

I sit in the dorm, blaring Pierce the Veil and Panic! At The Disco as loud as the stereo will allow.

"There's raindrops on roses, and girls in white dresses and sleeping with roaches!" I sing at the top of my lungs with Brendon Urie (hot as all get out just saying) and continue whisking my home made icing. Adonis may be able to cook, but I can bake like a boss. Mhmm, I just said that.

So far I've made four dozen blueberry muffins (God I feel like Izzy from Grey's Anatomy after that one guy died.)

I'm now in the process of baking my first cake, second pie, and fifth batch of muffins.

"I taste you on my lips and I can't get rid of you! So I say damn your kiss and the awful things you do! You're worse than nicotine! Nicotine!" I sing.

"Jesus what's that awful noise-OH MY GOD IT SMELLS AMAZING!" Ash exclaims as he enters the dorm room. Brad follows close behind him, smiling shyly.

Oh that's right, they've just had their first date. Awww how cute.

"You two seem happy."

"Yeah! It was really fun. Annnnnd, Brad's agreed to be my boyfriend!"

"That's great!" I try to smile but it falters.

That's when it clicks in Ash's mind and he looks over all the baking I've done.

"Oh no, honey, what's wrong?" He says, coming to pat me on the back-but not before stuffing his face with a muffin.

"Adonis and I had a row."

"A row?"

"Sorry... I've been watching means we've had a fight."

"Oh god, another fandom. two had a fight? What about?"

He stuffs another muffin into his mouth and I step away from him to pull my second pie (pecan, the first was cherry) from the oven.

"I..don't wanna talk specifics. He uh...kept a secret from me. A big one." I say, taking the cake out and starting to spread the icing all over it.

"Oooo what kind of cake?"

"Um it's actually a carrot cake."

"He kept a secret from you? That's just not right." Ash says, cutting himself a piece of pie.

"We just had dinner, are you seriously still hungry?" Brad asks, watching him with interest and amusement.

Ash glares at him playfully, "Don't you question me and food."

Brad holds his hands up in surrender and chuckles softly. They banter playfully back and forth for a while and I sigh, starting on a batter for a German chocolate cake, another batch of muffins and take out the strawberry filling for another pie.

The two of them race each other to the shower and I can't help but feel happy for them. least things are going well for them.

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