Chapter 24) New Years Resolutions

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L: Hey hey hey guess who is actually updating on Sunday? ME! I don't know about you but I am pretty proud of myself. Enjoy~!
Song for this Chapter-- Today For You, Tomorrow For You (Rent)
Pic is of--Adonis
Enjoy! Comment! Vote!




  Everyone cheers as the Champagne bottle is de-corked.

  "Happy New Years baby," Adonis coos, pecking a kiss to my lips.

  I smile and lean into his chest. Its been a week since I hurt my ankle, and I can finally stand and hobble around without the crutches, although Adonis and Brad both hound me about using them until the allotted time is up. I sort of got used to them; I mean I don't trip nearly as many people as I did when I first started using them, so that's something right?

  We decided to spend New Years at the dorm. We had originally planned to spend it at Elliott's apartments, but after what happened at Christmas I'm pretty sure we are all temporarily banned from there...


  "Today For You, Tomorrow for me!"

  Ash and I grab the chopsticks from the Chinese Takeout bag (since no one felt like cooking an entire turkey for just us few) and start drumming on the table like Angel from Rent. Of course, neither of us have any clue of how to play the drums, so basically it resembled two drunk idiots banging sticks on every piece of furniture in the kitchen.

  I jump up on the table and start whacking the ceiling, including the light fixture that hung down. It probably looked like an absolute trash fest, but in my intoxicated spell I was 100% positive that I WAS Angel Dumontt Schunard.


  Adonis, also pretty wasted, just claps for me and yells for me to take my shirt off -- which I do.

  "Hey, h- *hiccup* hey Asssssshhh. Watch *hic* this."

  Of course Ash didn't watch; he was already making out with (drunk) Brad in the corner, still holding the chopsticks in his hands.

  I, being the wicked awesome person I am, parkour off the table. (In reality I just stepped onto the chair beside it.) My foot knocks into a glass that had once been filled with wine, and it crashes to the floor.

  "Oh *hiccup* oh no, you naughty boy, you b-b *hic* broke it. Ima gonna haveta punish you," Adonis slurs, crawling onto the table. He swings his arm, knocking everything else onto the floor where it shatters. I gasp as he pulls me back onto the table and hovers over me. He starts kissing me roughly, biting my lip until it bleeds. I rake my nails down his back as he starts to grind against me. His teeth find my neck and soon I am too lost in the pleasure and pain and intoxication to remember anything else. All I know is the next day I was covered in bruises and bite marks.

  Meanwhile, sober Elliott is pitching a fit. "-can't believe it. Those were my good wine glasses!! I-oh my plates! Those were my grandmother's plates! Dear god don't do THAT on my table!!! Adonis you get your mouth off his-ah!! Ash no! You can't just have s- oh Jesus H. Christ too late!! I am NEVER letting any of you come over here EVER again!! You people are DISGUSTING!! Adonis I KNOW your parents raised you better than this!! They did NOT teach you to give head on people's dining room tables! Wait- wait no that doesn't mean make him give YOU head!! Oh my god...someone kill me..."

  *Flashback over*

  Thankfully no one was drunk this time...yet. It's new years eve, exactly midnight, and we had just opened the first bottle of Champagne.

  "Alright everyone, New Years Resolutions, spill!" Ash exclaims. "Mine is to get a pet fish!"

  "My resolution is to find a nursing program to apply for job shadowing," Brad adds.

  "Mine-" Adonis starts.

  "Is to stay on your diet and start working out!" I finish, eying him.

  He sighs. "Alright alright fine babe. What's your resolution?"

  "Oh.. I don't know I guess."

  Adonis smiles and kisses me one last time as the ball drops on TV. I smile against his lips.

  "So what does everyone want to-" I start to ask, but when I turn around Ash and Brad have closed themselves in their room.

  "Jeez those two have been going at it like rabbits lately," I mumble.

  "We could be too, since you know Ash is going to be loud anyway. Lets get back at them babe, what do you say?"

  Adonis rests his hands on my hips and, gripping them tightly, pushes me against their bedroom door. I gasp as he presses his lips forcefully against mine. One of his hands glides down to my bum, lifting me up so I can wrap my legs around his waist and the other pins both my wrists above my head. I moan as he grinds his erection against my own. Ash can be heard making some of the same noises inside.

  "Time for a little payback don't you think baby?" Adonis moans.

  I nod, panting, head thrown back against the door.

  Adonis grins and forcibly shoves me, causing the door to rattle in its frame. Hearing Brad and Ash's confusion from inside, Adonis repeats the action, thrusting his hips against mine. I moan over dramatically, much to the distress of the couple on the other side of the door. We continue to tease them by banging on the door and moaning extremely and unnecessarily loud. Eventually Ash and Brad start complaining and yelling for us to knock it off.

  After we agree they've had enough, we retire to our own bedroom to continue the fun.

  I know what my New Years Resolution is now. No judging okay? ....My resolution is to get laid!!

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