Chapter 12) So He DOES Care Under All That Hairgel

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L: This is long over due, I know. Sorry for the long wait! School and color guard take up most of my updating will happen less often. I'll try though!

Pic is of-- Ms. Zeus

Song for this Chapter-- Ain't It Fun by Paramore
Enjoy! Comment! Vote!


"Are you serious?"


  Ash shakes his head, his fists resting sassily on his hip.

  "You're really going to just hand out all of these sweets to your professors?" He asks, gesturing vaguely to the two large baskets on the table.

  I nod, "What else am I going to do with them? I've already gotten it out of my system so I might as well do something useful with all of this."

  I finish placing the last of the goodies into the baskets and shrug.

"You could always give them to me!"

  I gather my things and head for the door as he continues on.

  "How about the Feed Ash Foundation? That's a useful cause! Or you know I could always..."

  His voice fades into the distance as I make it to the end of the hall.

  All of my professors gratefully accept one or more of my baked goods and a few even over something up in return- although I would politely decline.

  I've just made it to my last professor's classroom when students begin filing into the halls. Thankfully, my few classes of the day were over earlier this morning so all I have to do is stand by and slip into the room once they've dispersed.

  "Hello Ms. Zeus." I smile.

  She looks up from her lesson plan book and a warm smile spreads across her face.

  "Well hello my little Gay God. Did you forget something in here this morning?"

  I shake my head and place the remaining basket of goodies on her desk.

  "Take anything you like."

  Her eyes go wide as she peers into the basket. "Dear gods of Mt. Olympus! This is enough to feed a third world country!" She exclaims, clutching at her heart.

  A blush climbs into my cheeks and I nervously rub the back of my neck.

  Suddenly, her eyes snap up to meet mine and she scrutinizes my every feature.

  "What's happened?" She asks coldly.

  I tense up. How does she know something happened? And how did her demeanor chance so quickly.

  "I took Psychology as a second major. There's no getting by me."

  Her cold, lawyer-like demeanor shifts and she holds out a hand to me.

  "C'mon, I'm done with my classes for the day. Let's talk over coffee."

  An hour later, we've downed two lattes each and I've told her everything.

  "Well, I think your best course of action is to talk it out with him. See his side of the story. You'll feel much better  after talking about it. I mean, don't you feel better just having told me?"

  I nod sheepishly.

  "Good. Now go, my Demi-God. But first," she chuckles, "I'd go take a shower or something. You smell like tears and burnt pies."

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