Chapter 8) I'm The QUEEN Of Fashion!

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L: So yeah, it's me. I'm a little bummed that this isn't as popular as the first book.. I've been working hard on it and there is a pretty hot guy involved as promised and they've just spent the night canoodling sooooo....I don't see the problem. Let me know what I can fix. 

Pic is of-- Brad

Song for this Chapter-- Curse of Curves by Cute is What We Aim For
Enjoy! Comment! Vote!

*Adonis's POV*

I awake the next morning and try to sit up but I find that I can't due to a weight on my chest. I peer down at the sleeping figure cuddled up on my shoulder and cautiously move my hand to curl my fingers into his dark hair. He looks so peaceful when he's asleep...and absolutely beautiful. His long lashes fanned out over his cheeks and the blissful rise and fall of his chest as he breathes evenly in his sleep. My eyes trail down to his perfectly kissable lips, turned up in a slight smile.

I can't help but smile as well. I never could have imagined in all of these years that I'd end up here, lying in bed with a beautiful boy curled up on my chest. It's beyond real; I can hardly believe it's true. I've gone my entire life alone, with only the company of my obnoxious brother and the occasional affection from my black furred feline, Sherlock.

Lance yawns and squirms, tilting his head to look up at me through sleepy eyes.

"Good morning sleeping beauty." I smirk, continuing to play with his hair.

He mumbles a torrent of incoherencies and smiles warmly up at me. "Morning." He finally manages.

"Sleep well?" I ask as he sits up and stretches adorably.

He nods, smiling down at me. I take in the sight of his bare torso and grin as last night's events flood my mind. It's evident by the deep blush on Lance's face that he remembers as well.

I sit up and bring my hand up to cup his face, kissing him tenderly. He responds almost immediately and when we pull away, we're both smiling.

After we've both showered and dressed, we head out into the main living space. It's blissfully quiet and I can tell by the look on Lance's face that this is extremely unusual. He scrunches up his nose and cocks his head to the side in confusion.

"Cute." I say under my breathe, heading into the kitchen.


I roll my eyes, digging through the cabinets. I can hear him sink onto the couch in the living room. I hold up a box of pancake mix, studying the back carefully. "Pancakes sound okay?" I raise my eyebrows in question.

He nods vigorously, his face lighting up at the mention of food. I get to work on the batter for said pancakes as he resumes his confused expression from his place on the couch.

"Wait." He says as it finally clicks in his head. "Where's Ash? And Brad for that matter."

I smirk and jut my chin towards the door as I mix the batter in a large bowl. It smells oddly of powder and I crinkle my nose. I'd much rather have made them from scratch.

"I made Ash sleep out in the hall."

"You what?"

I stop what I'm doing and roll my eyes, heading over to the door. I steer clear of its entrance and swing the door open to reveal a mess of blankets and pillows outside its threshold. Without a moment's hesitation, a blurred figure races into the room, tackling Lance backward onto the couch. I'm about to gather up the blankets and such from the floor when I see Brad is already carrying them inside. Where did he come from? Outside the room? I furrow my brow in confusion as he disappears into his and Ash's room. To fold and put away the heap of bedding I assume.

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