Chapter 6) Mystery Man

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L: I hope you guys like that last one! I sure did. And this is just the beginning hehehehe. Our mystery man has a little secret in store for you. I. Love. Starbucks. Just thought I'd let you know. 

Pic is off-- Ms. Zeus

Song for this Chapter-- Say You Like Me by We The Kings
Enjoy! Comment! Vote!

*Lance's POV*


Avery's loud mouth has gotten the attention of everyone in the diner.

"Shoosh!" I whisper, blushing fiercely.

I'd told him about my afternoon with the mystery man, minus the elevator attack, and he had freaked out.

"You could've spent the evening with a hot guy and you bailed just to hang out with little old me?!"

I nod nervously.

"And you think he likes you?!"

Another sheepish nod from me.

"We need a doctor! This man has officially lost his mind!" Avery yells.

"Shush!" I swat at him. "You're gunna get us kicked out." I hiss.

"Good! I hope I do. Then maybe you'll get another chance with this- what's his name?"

I shrug, feeling bashful. I'd never asked for his name.

"You, my friend, need mental help."

I look down at my hands in my lap...and realize I'm still wearing his clothes.


The next day is dreadfully boring. The rain finally let up around noon but it's supposed to pick back up by tonight. Great..

I hate the rain. Mostly the thunder..

I slink into my last class of the day but, immediately perk up when I remember that it's Mythology.

I take my seat next to Ash who grins.

Ms. Zeus enters and perches on her desk, her fingers steepled in front of her.

"Let's play a game. I realize that I don't know most of your names. But I don't want to. I want you to unleash the inner God or Goddess. That's how I'll know you. Let's start."

She goes around the room and people identify themselves with either a made up or already existing God/Goddess.

She gets to Ash and I expect him to say 'God of Brad's Closet' or something but he surprises me by saying Hades. Then again... That doesn't really surprise me. Ash? King of the Underworld? King me.

She points to me and I freeze up. Shoot. I hadn't been thinking about it. Then it clicks in my head and I grin broadly.

"The Gay God!" I smack my hand on the desk and she smiles and nods in approval. Some of the class snickers and a few people hoot or cheer. Hell yeah!! Lance is back baby!

"Lannnnncyyyyyyy." Ash bats his eyelashes at me. Class has ended and he is definitely about to ask for something.

"What do you want hoe?"

I can tell he resists the urge to call me a bitch and or hit me. Damn, this must be important.

"Can you pretty please run to the grocery store? We ran out of milk and a bunch of other stuff." He pouts, rocking cutely on his heels.

I click my tongue at him, "Isn't it your turn to go grocery shopping?" I ask accusingly.

"Well yeah but... Brad is getting back from an indoor swim meet tonight and I don't wanna miss him if he's all dripping wet and possibly shirtless." He's whining now.

I roll my eyes, "Oh the things I do for love."

He grins and hugs me tight then runs away. To think of a sexy pose for Brad no less.

The store is absolutely boring. At least I get the chance to avoid the rain and check out the hot store clerks. Not to mention, I get to buy food that I actually want to eat. When Brad shops, it's all staple stuff like eggs and bread and milk. When Ash shops, it's all junk food.

I toss some yogurt into the buggy and head off to find some granola. Mm that'll make a good breakfast. Next I go in search of some spices.

The rain is heavy when I make it back to the dorm. I've just missed the storm thank goodness. There's a great deal of laughing and noise coming from inside the dorm. I stick my key in the lock and swing the door open. I'm greeted by a squealing Oliver who runs to throw his arms around my neck. I have to drop my groceries to catch him. Ash is sitting at the kitchen isle, grinning and laughing along with a shirtless Brad. He's just gotten home from the swim meet. Ash's eyes meet mine and I wink at him. He giggles and blushes and feigns swooning.

Oliver jumps down and helps me pick up my groceries.

"I didn't know you were coming!" I exclaim.

"I know! Surprise!" His enthusiasm matches mine. If he's here...

"Nicky!" I smile at him as he stands from the couch. Oliver sets the bags on the counter and is at his side immediately. The smell in the kitchen is overwhelmingly good. My mouth is watering already. I wonder who's cooking.

I pull the spices out of the bag one by one and stop when I notice everyone is gaping at me. I open my mouth to ask why but can only squeak quietly when a strong arm reaches around my waist. The other plucks the spice bottle from my hand.

I glance up and low and behold! It's mystery man! His white hair is slicked back like it was the day before. He's close. Very close. My jaw goes slack and I blink at him, inhaling slowly through my nose. Oh my...he smells good. Like body wash and food and...oh my. Oh my oh my.

"Thanks babe." He grins and winks, wiggling the spice bottle between his thumb and middle finger.

I gape at him just as the others were at me. Babe? Did he just call me babe?

He plants a swift kiss on my temple and is gone in an instant; having gone back to cooking over the stove.

I turn my shocked expression back to my friends.

Oliver waggles his eyebrows at me. Nick and Brad shrug. Ash grins and winks at me. Well then.

Okay I can't get over this, "Babe?" I ask, turning to him with a quizzical gaze.

"Yes dear?" He replies, batting his eyelashes at me. Ooo that's hot.

"No I mean why- wait, dear?"

"Yes honey?"

He's playing with me now. Well two can play at this game babycakes.

"Oh nothing sweetie." I give an innocent smile and join him by the stove, beginning to put away the groceries. I organize the spices and put away the refrigerated items. Then I snatch up the new table cloth sets I bought (for when we actually buy a table) and glance up at the cabinet above the stove.

Feeling brave, I come up close behind him, pressing my front to his back and I feel his entire body go rigid. Oh yeah, go Lance. I reach up on tip toes, dragging my chest up his back to reach the cabinet. I put them away slowly and ease down to my feet once more, staying pressed against his back. I wrap my arms slowly around his waist he inhales sharply as my hands come to rest right above the waistband of his jeans.

No one else in the room has even glanced at us, pretending not to see this display. Good boys. I'll have to thank them later. Oliver gratefully keeps Ash distracted thank God. What would I do without you Oliver...

I'm about to take a leap and run my hands over the front of his jeans but I'm interrupted mid thought as the door is thrown open and a familiar high-pitched voice fills the room.

"I'm back bitches! And I have beer!!"

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