Chapter 22) Ha Cripple Stripper

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L: Did ya miss me? I'll bet, I'm pretty great so yeah. Thanksgiving is nearly here! I'm so ready to get fat and eat EVERYTHING. But anyway, here's some Adonis.

Pic is of-- Lance

Song for this Chapter--Clumsy by Fergie
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  Okay...So I have a secret.

  Not a big, life-threatening secret, but still a secret nonetheless.

  I dance. I've taken dance classes since I was four, and I've never stopped. I used to take dances at Pas De Deux, the best dance studio ever. My Aunt is an instructor there, and I got a discount on classes because of that. I've taken all kinds of classes including ballet, point, jazz, hip-hop, lyrical, tap, and even pole-dancing classes. I love dance. I hear music and it takes over me, body and soul, and I begin to dance however the sounds move me.

  I had a dance class nearly every night of the week. That's why  I never did school sports (like I would anyway) and I never was able to go to many parties or friend get-togethers. After I left for college, I just thought I'd have to quit. How could I dance without all my favorite instructors and partners from Pas De Deux? I couldn't imagine trying to fit in somewhere else. Plus, I was always treated special there. I was given the solo almost every year in at least two dance categories. I was on the competition team, and we always won. We were undefeated. How do you just switch to something new after that?

  So when my aunt called me and told me that the company was branching out, I was shocked.

  "They decided to try building a second studio to see if the name would catch on. We could become a chain if this works out. But Jenn says we need someone passionate about dance to keep things running smoothly. So, I suggested you. You could be an instructor! You could teach any and as many dance classes as you want. What do you say?"

  I was speechless. I gathered my thoughts, logically constructed a response.  But "You want me to teach dance classes?!" is all that came out.

  I swear I could hear her roll her eyes. "You usually wrote the choreography for my classes. You just...see it, somehow, in a way most people can't.  You wouldn't just teach, though, you would be the face of that studio. Now, of course, you'd have a secretary, and other instructors --that you would interview and hire yourself-- and Jenn is still large and in charge, but you would be the boss, so to speak, of the new studio."

  I can hardly believe it. I accept with a chorus of "yes!" and "woohoo!" This is so exciting! It'll be like having my own dance studio!

  My aunt sends me the address for the building and tells me that --due to renovations-- I have two weeks to hire a staff. A new email is set up, and she tells me that a sister website will be created later that day.

  Within the hour I had already received two calls about possible instructors. I decide auditions will need to be held before official interviews can take place. I set a date to hold the auditions this coming Saturday, giving me the entire day if need be. Interviews will be held the next Wednesday.

  I send a message with all this information to my aunt, who adds the dates and requirements to the website. I get started on making a video for auditions to be posted on the website. Having the same routine to judge is much easier than individuals.

  I pick Clumsy by Fergie for the Jazz, Tap, and Lyrical auditions and take some time alone in the abandoned gym to write up a few simple 8 counts. Next, I start up on one for hip hop. Ill have to write the routine for point later, when I have my shoes. I'll video myself tomorrow to post on the website for potential instructors to learn. They are also being asked to write and add on 2 extra 8 counts to what I've written. This way I can judge their dancing and their choreography all in one go.

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