Little Did You Know

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^^ Lance

L: Sooooo here's a Little Did You Know!! Enjoy!

Lance: He took piano classes for a year and ended up missing his own recital. There was once a time where Lance wasn't gay, in fact he had a girlfriend named Kristin back in Junior High. They dated for about four months before he realized he was more attracted to Kristin's brother than to her. He visited London for a few weeks to visit family back the same year.

Ash: He cannot park to save his life. He has a Chipmunk named Chipper secretly living in his room that no one knows about. Ash also is surprisingly good at ice-skating  and won in State Finals but couldn't afford to go to Regionals and had to quit.  

Brad: He can play the guitar on a professional level. He took Karate for three years, until he decided baseball and swimming were more his sports. Lastly, he was in a skateboarding gang that called themselves "The Skategoats"

Adonis: He tries to parkour when no one is watching, and ultimately sucks at it. When he was a kid, his parents forced him to be in musicals, and to this day he cannot hear a song from Footloose or Grease without having a freak attack. On the topic of his parents, they used to think he was so pretty that they dressed him up as a girl and entered him in pageants. 

Cameroon: He is a closet otaku. In his spare time, he taught himself have to fold beautiful origami.  He also has an addiction to coffee, and drinks it constantly, no matter what time of day it is. 

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