Chapter 21) What Could Go Wrong?

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L: Hi! Sorry I took off last month, I've been spending time with my bestie azalaya  ❤️  plus getting acclimated to a new year at school takes some time. I'll try to get back on my regular schedule.

Pic is of-- Liana & Buffy

Song for this Chapter-- Hot & Cold by Katy Perry
Enjoy! Comment! Vote!


  Life is good. I've got the best boyfriend in the whole world on my right, my best friend, Lance, on my left, and a big bag of tropical skittles. ...sigh...Perfection.

  "Hey, it's half-time! Look look, there's Buffy and Liana!!" Lance beams, pointing down to the field. He had dragged everyone- his father and sister included- out to the football field tonight to watch the game, all so we could see the Colorguard perform at half-time with the band. He's become so wrapped up in this Colorguard business. I had an uncle on Colorguard once....and he nearly killed me with a rifle.

  Buffy and Liana are right next to each other on the field, positioned to the right of the band like the rest of the guard. The drum majors count off and the music begins.

  They start on rifle, and actually they're pretty good. Liana is obviously better, though, as Buffy drops her triple toss. She redeems herself  soon after with a dance solo. She's like one of those inflatable things outside of car dealerships that bend in every direction.

  Once the show is finished, we all cheer, as we should. Liana and Buffy find us after they've rolled all the flags and loaded the equipment.

  "Sooo, what did you guys think?" Buffy asks.

  "That was awesome!" Lance squeals, jumping up to wrap her and Liana in a hug.

  "Ya know, Winterguard tryouts are coming up. When are they again L?"

  "December, I think. Should be right around Christmas break."

  "Yeah! You should totally try out Lance! You too, Ash! L and I can train you, like in Karate Kid and we can have a montage to The Eye Of The Tiger and it'll be fantastical!" Buffy suggests, bouncing on her heels in excitement.

  "Oh I don't know..." I start, second guessing myself. I mean why should we give up valuable time that could be used for sleeping or eat-

  "We're in!!" Lance agrees all too quickly.

And I'm friends with him why?

I roll my eyes. There's no way I'm getting out of this one. Not with Lance so set in his decision.

What could go wrong?

"Ow! Hey that was my foot!" Liana yells. I turn to see Miley, Lance's little sister still standing directly on her toes.

"Then why don't you stay out of my way you midget?"

"Midget?! Excuse me but I am 5'4 and that is NOT a midget!"

"Oh sorry is the correct term Leprechaun?"

"Get. Off. My. Foot."

"Make me bitch."

"That's it!" Liana pushes Miley as hard as she can and Miley stumbles back, falling onto the bleacher behind her.

"Bring it ON chicken nugget!"

With this cry of battle Miley lunges forward, nearly pushing Liana all the way down the bleachers. Buffy catching her at the last second, fuming.

"No one calls her a chicken nugget but me you cunt!" Buffy growls, stepping closer.

"Like I give a shit. She's a dumbass chicken nugget and she was in my goddamned way."

"Miley!" Calls her dad from the top of the bleachers. He was returning with hands full of food, looking ready to fall.

Lance runs up, presumably to go help his struggling father, but instead grabs a sausage dog, a Gatorade and a bag of M&Ms and runs back to us. Wow. I should've expected that. Where the hell is my food?! Don't I get to eat?! Hey I-
Lance's Dad hands me a thing of nachos. Oh, okay.

  When I turn back to the others, Liana, Buffy and Miley are going at it. The whole stadium is turned to watch.





  They're yelling and pushing and shoving and I'm so confused that when someone finally swings a fist, I jump back in surprise. I whip around to tell Lance to do something and run smack into a little kid, spilling hot nacho cheese in his hair and on his clothes.


  Everyone is looking at me now as I stand there, mouth agape, holding a now empty carton of nachos. The kid stands stock still, hand holding his ear which is drowning in cheese.

  "Good going Ash," Miley snickers.

  "Jeez even I'm not that clumsy," Liana laughs, leaning on Miley for support. The group begins to laugh at me, forgetting their anger for a moment.

  At least they stopped fighting...

  Eventually some people show up with napkins and start to clean the boy up. The whole band cringes, making some joke about nachos and uniforms. I just kind of stand there, repeatedly saying that it wasn't my fault.

  No ones listening though, and soon the entirety of the University had heard that some guy spilled a whole carton of nachos on someone's kid. Great. That's exactly what I needed.

  Buffy and Liana and Miley all three start making fun of people in the crowd. I guess you could call that bonding. Lance chats with his father, secretly texting Adonis- who couldn't make it due to a report he had to type- behind his back. I, on the other hand, just sit there and stare at my empty thing of nachos and frown. I was really hungry... I was gunna eat those.

  Lance leans over and whispers that Adonis is inviting all of them over for Thanksgiving dinner with his family next month.

  What could possibly go wrong...right?

L: I know it's been a while sorry. It's been a long few months in which I had my heart broken (and then gratefully fixed) and had to acclimate to AP college level classes. Bleh.

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