Chapter 2) Welcome to College

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L: Updating as promised. I feel obliged to say that my manager stands, same as before! As long as there's a Lance, there is bound to be a threesome. I MEAN-UH UH NOTHING. (Hint hint)

Pic is of--Ash

Song for this Chapter-- I Write Sins Not Tragedies by Pan!c at the Disco
Enjoy! Comment! Vote!

*Lance's POV*

"Bye Daddyyyyy!!!" I call, waving from the sidewalk.

He waves back shyly, a sad but proud look on his face. Miley walks up and I brace myself for a goodbye sock in the stomach. When the blow doesn't come, I look down at her. She smiles and pats me on the arm.

"See ya, loser."

It's heart warming coming from her, really it is.

I pick up my luggage and continue out to the car. Once my bags are situated in the trunk, I turn over my shoulder to give my childhood home one last lonely look.

This is it. Off to college.


**Two hours later**

Thanks to the help of a kind student, I get all my luggage up to my dorm room in one go. I missed orientation last week, so I know I'm going to be utterly lost for a few days. At least I don't start any classes until tomorrow. That means I have all day to unpack! Yes!

I unlock my dorm room and carry my stuff inside, setting them on the sofa. Wowww.. It's beautiful. And huge!

The kitchen area consists of an island, a working oven and stove top, and a bigger refrigerator than I had at home!

I look around the large living space. A long, beige sofa, a polished pine coffee table, a flat screen tv (!), a gorgeous- and very romantic- fireplace, and a bookshelf/desk. Woah.

I explore the rest of the apartment with awe. I never guessed it would be this big!

I open a room off to the right of the living space. Oh. My. Gayness.

The bedroom is huge! Two desks in opposite corners, a small dresser, an old wardrobe, and- Ah! A four poster king size bed!


  Lance likey. Oo la la. Bow-chika-wow-wow!

  The door to the dorm opens and I gasp aloud. My roommate!!

  I rush out into the living room, fixing my hair nervously. What could he be like? Is he nice? Is he cool? GASP. IS HE GAY?!?!?!

   Pshhhhhhh. Nahhhhhhhh. Quit your dreaming Lance. Is that all you think about?

  My jaw drops and I smack my forehead.

  "Ughhhhhhh. Just my-"

  I was tackled to the ground before I could say "luck". Ash looks over me, grinning like an idiot (frankly he is one.)

  "You're my roommate?" I groan.

  "Huh? No I'm supposed to be sharing this room with Brad."

  Well explains that grin on his face. But wait...

  "But this is my room."

  "Nope." He pulls a directory and schedule- both in horrible condition. "237. Ash Boyd and Brad Landon. Co residing."

  "Co residing?"

  "Yeah. Like roommates."

  "No... Honey, I think that means we have joint dorms. We'll share a living space and that means that that room-" I point to the door left of the door, on the complete opposite side of the living space from mine, "- must be yours and Brad's room."

  He nods and examines the room, finally getting off of me.

  Brad stands in the doorway.

  "Oh god." He whispers. I give him a pitying look.

  Poor boy. All he wanted was a quiet college- HA! Just kidding. Everyone knows it's all about the part-ayyyy!

  "So Lance, if it's a joint dorm, than who's your roommate?" Brad asks, checking out his and Ash's room, "Bunkbeds. Nice. We'll separate those." I hear him whisper to himself.

Huh? Bunkbeds? But my room has a four poster bed. That's... Odd. Oh well. Not that I mind. Hehe.

  "My roommate?" I hadn't even looked. I dig in my shoulder bag for my directory and schedule.

  "It...doesn't have his name." That's even weirder.

  "Late enrollment I'm guessing." Brad offers as way of explanation. Hmm. That's interesting.

  Today is just an odd day all around.


  **Four hours later**

  It's six o'clock.

  Ash, Brad and I sit around the coffee table on the long sofa, eating pizza and watching Supernatural, our favorite show.

  For a first day, it's been pretty great. Although... I'm a little bummed that I didn't get to meet my roommate but I guess that's okay. Maybe I'll meet him tomorrow.

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