Chapter 18) The Gaydance Counselor

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L: Yep Yep Yep! It's exactly what it looks like! O_O Welcome to another episode of Adonis! *cricket sounds*
Wow...tough crowd.

Pic is of-- Cameron

Song for this Chapter-- You'll Be Back from Hamilton
Enjoy! Comment! Vote!


I wake up in a groggy state, with a very unpleasant smell choking me. I sit up, realizing that the smell is most definitely coming from Adonis who is snoring next to me. I pinch my nose and hold back a gag. Like I said, I hate drunk people.

I slip out of bed and find some aspirin in the bathroom cabinet. I set it, along with an iced cold glass of water, on the bedside table next to sleeping Adonis. Taking a deep breath of fresh air, I kneel beside him and shake his shoulder gently.

"Adonis? Baby?" I whisper, "Hey it's time to get up."

He groans and his eyes slowly pry open. Despite the awful smell of his breath, he is pretty cute when he's just waking up. His icy blue eyes lock on mine after a few moments and he frowns.

"Hey baby, I brought you some aspirin. Can you sit up okay?" I ask, keeping my voice soft.

I help him sit up, propping the pillows behind him. He downs three pills and chases them down with the water. Must be some hell of a hangover...

"C'mon, you stink," I smile, holding out my hand to him.

He takes it and I pull him up and lead him into the bathroom. He plops down onto a stool. I guess I'm doing it myself.

I run him a bath and slip off his boxers. "While the bath fills up, why don't you brush your teeth? Your breath smells like vomit."

He grumbles, but gratefully takes my advice. I help him into the bath and get to work scrubbing shampoo into his white hair.

"Why is your hair white?" I ask, rinsing out the suds.

He shrugs, nuzzling into my hand as I condition his hair.

"You were just born with it? That's odd...but it's beautiful none the less."

To my surprise he lets me wash the rest of him, although I be sure to stay gentle. I hadn't noticed before, but tiny scars cover his back and chest. I wonder what they're from...who could've hurt my baby?

I pull him out of the tub and hand him a towel, leading him back into the bedroom. That's when I see it. A little white card on my pillow. That wasn't there before..was it? I scoop it up and shove it into my pocket to look at later.

Once Adonis has been dried with a fluffy white towel, I leave him to get dressed and head out into the living room where Elliot is waving his friend off. The apartment is clean and smells of lavender.

"Thank you so much for taking care of my little brother, Laney."

"Lance. It's Lance."

"Well I know you as Laney," he winks, "so that's what I'll call you. Anyway, the place is cleaner then before, and according to the news, no one got hurt on their way home, hehe. So yeah... Where's Spikey?"

"Spikey?" I ask.

"Yeah, Adonis, where is he?"

"Uh..getting dressed. You uh, you called him Spikey."

"That I did. Ever watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer?"

I shake my head, listening intently.

"Well your little boyfriend can quote every line from every episode in every season. That is all he watched as a child. Our mum used to say that he looked like Spike with his white hair. You should watch it, it's a pretty good show."

Ash comes in around then and yawns. "Brad won't wake up. He's out cold like turkey."

"Good, you're both here now," Elliot smiles. "I have something for you."

He holds up a transparent plastic case with a shiny silver disk sitting inside.

"What is it?" Ash asks.

"Just a little blackmail for you. Could come in handy," he winks just as Adonis joins us.

I take the disk from Elliot and pass it to Ash whom slips it into his bag. Man, we're sneaky. Like ninjas!

Gasp! Or batman!

Nananana Nananana-


I yelp and stumble backwards.

"You've been standing there, staring into space for like ten minutes. We're heading back to the dorm," Ash says, grabbing my arm.


Once back in the dorm room, I get to making lunch-- considering Adonis is sprawled out on the couch with a hangover. We eat in silence and as Brad grudgingly starts cleaning up, Ash motions me into his room.

"Check this out. I put the disk Elliot gave us into my laptop. You won't believe what it is."

I sit next to him on his bed and he presses play.

The black screen disappears and is replaced with the drunk Adonis making out with the equally drunk Brad.

"Oh my god..."

"A whole fifteen minutes of this. When he said blackmail, he wasn't kidding."

I shake my head, chuckling, and shove my hands into my pockets.

What the-

I pull the crumpled card from my pocket. It's the one I found on my pillow earlier..

It's a business card.

| Cameroon White Lavender |
| "Gay"dance Counselor |
| For all your rainbow-tastic needs! |
| Room 207 |

"What's that?" Ash asks curiously.

"I have no idea..." I furrow my brow. "But I think I'll pay him a visit."

*4 hours later*

"Are you sure you don't want to help me cook?" Adonis asks.

His hangover was fading and he was working on dinner now. He had offered to let me help cook-- in fact he was being awfully nice (trying to make up for macking on Brad no dout) but I had declined. Instead, Ash and I made the excuse for talking to Ms. Zeus and left to find room 207.

It doesn't take long. There's a sign on the door that reads "The Flower Shop" in loopy letters.

"Well, this looks like the place."

I knock on the door and it swings open. The room is decorated with all kinds of flowers, but mostly white lavender, and a stripper pole in place of a couch. We take a guess and head into the room on the left.

The lights are dark and the room seem fairly empy, save for a wooden desk and a couch. Ash flips on the lights and we see a swivel chair facing away from us. It whirls around slowly.

A guy about our age sits with a smug smile on his face, stroking the rainbow fur of the stuffed unicorn in his lap.

"Hello," he smirks, "And welcome to The Flower Shop."

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