Chapter 4) Eggs With A Side Of Abs

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L: How's it goin bros? I hope all is well! I am having an amazing day so here is a little chappie for you guys! You're welcome!

Pic is of-- Adonis

Song for this Chapter- Sugar by Maroon Five (cuz it's stuck in my head and a great song!)

Enjoy! Comment! Vote!

*Lance's POV*

It's been a week with no sign of my roommate. It's seriously bumming me out. Maybe he lives off campus and it's just a typo. That happens, right? Wahhhh! This is so frustrating.. Although, I guess I'm not really alone here..

I mean, Brad is cool and Ash-

Well Brad is cool.

So anyway, I'm really bummed here.

The only thing that really made me really excited to go to college was having a roommate. I mean, I could already imagine the crazy stories we would be telling people. Lance and uh... whoever he is, the flirts of the college.

Buuuut.... I guess it does have its perks.

I smirk as I sit upright, wrapped in the red satin sheets of the large bed, and stretch with a yawn.

Oh yes, Lancy could get used to this.

The internal roommate monologue is soon forgotten when the smell of hickory sausages reaches my nose. I clammer into the bathroom, shower, and skip merrily into the kitchen where I had expected to find Brad at the stove.

I stop to glance in the mirror hanging on the wall by the front door to run my fingers through my dark hair and straighten out my long sleeved black t-shirt and skinny jeans. I sit at the breakfast bar, not really paying much attention for I was too absorbed in the small stain on the right arm of my shirt.

"Ugh, Brad, this is just a mess. What ever will I do?"

I frown at it and try to scrub it off. No luck there. But this is my favorite shirt!- I whine internally.

"Braaaaaaaaaaaad." I whine, pouting down at the stain.

"What do you want bitch?" Ash mumbles from behind me. I turn to face him and a sleepy Bra-


I thought- but Brad was-the sausages-

Wasn't Brad just in the kitchen?!?!

I whip my head around- nearly gave myself whiplash, hot damn- and gape open mouthed at the beautiful, God-like naked back that stood in front of the stove, making eggs and sausages.

Oh. My. Gorgeous.

Has there ever been a more beautiful back? His muscles tense and untense as he moves over the stove, his arms muscular and good god of the gays, I've never wanted to run my hands down another man's arm so badly in all of my life! And- gasp! His ass too!

He ignores us and for once I notice the earbuds sticking out of his ears, the chord running into his phone that was shoved in the back pocket of his skinny jeans. Skinny jeans...oh dear lord. I think I may feint!

His song ends and he half turns to pull his phone out of his pocket, giving me full access to gawk at his abs and spectacular chest. He even has the V. Oh me oh my, I'll wrap him up and take him home!

He glances up from under thick eyelashes, finally seeing us. He straightens up slowly and runs a hand through his unruly white hair. Is it bleached? Or...albino? He is pretty pale..but in a hot way hehehe.

His eyes are narrowed, scrutinizing us each in turn. His gaze falls on me and my cheeks flare up instantly. What's going on? Why do I feel this way? I'm hot under his steady gaze and when I raise my eyes to his-dark and clouded- I melt. It's like there's this electricity charging between us and I can feel it all the way down there.

Ash claps loudly, shattering the charge between this man and me. I leap out of my skin at the sound and gasp. Ash ignores me, saying something about food but I'm not listening to him either. I look up once more to the man in my kitchen to find his eyes closed, lips parted slightly. Oh my. That's...kind of erotic. Maybe he felt it too...

Brad puts a hand on my shoulder and I cringe.

"Are you okay? You seem jumpy today." He asks, concerned. Aw, poor little Brad. He's too cute sometimes.

I risk another glance at the mystery man and nod slowly. His glare has turned to poor Brad, his gaze possessive. Wait is that towards me?! My jaw drops instantly. He notices my staring and raises an eyebrow, his lips quirking up at the corners.

Is that? A smile?! Someone catch me I might swoon!

Much to my dismay, mystery man doesn't join us for breakfast. He dons a crisp white button down and tie and walks off into the hallway within minutes of our...encounter.

Needless to say, this food is amazing! The eggs are fluffy and perfectly seasoned, the sausages warm and juicy, and he even brewed a pot of coffee!

Mm mm, that is one fine piece of man.

I think I'll keep him.

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