Chapter-2 "The First Encounter"

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Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a knock on the compartment door

Lily looked up, from the window as the door open and saw through her blurry vision as it revealed a tall boy with messy, very messy chestnut brown hair, and hazel eyes that were covered with rectangular glasses. The boy threw a friendly way towards Lily and asked, "Is this seat taken?" Lily sniffled and said in a small voice, "no, it's just me, no one wants to sit with the crying first year" "Oh, you're a first year? Cool! Me too!" He said excitedly. As he looked at her and suddenly realised, she was crying, he asked in a kind voice, "A-are you okay?" Lily looked up at him with damp eyes. "O-only because you were crying!" he said waving his hands. Lily just nodded and looked out of the window, all her troubles coming back to her again.

Yet James continued staring at her, somehow, she reminded him of someone....... And the only thing he could think while he looked at her gorgeous waist length hair and alluring wet eyes was "Beautiful" Yet he was suddenly broken out of his thought by his pet owl Bubo screeching. He tried to shush it, and Lily just stared at him, for such a nice guy, he was pretty dumb, trying to shush an owl. She just shook her head and leaned against the seat.

And then James got up to see if the train was starting anytime soon, but just as he reaches to open the door another boy does so too and they both land in a heap on the ground with a loud thump causing the others to peek out of their compartment window and give them a dirty glare that clearly said "Dude, thanks a lot for permanently damaging our ears" They gave them a glare back that said 'What can I say except, you're welcome~" Apologetically. Sirius and James get up, and Sirius says in a hasty tone, "Sorry Bro, wasn't really looking."

James says, "No problem, bro, I may have just broken my head and hand bones, but it's totally fine!" Sarcastically. Sirius says 'Anyways, What's your name?"

James looked nervous he said "I'm James" "James who?" Sirius asked "Huh?"

"Well normally people say their last name too, you know?" "Well I'm James......... James James" Sirius looked at him raising an eyebrow. Well anyways I'm Sirius, but I'm not serious, But I'm Sirius but not in that way! I mean I'm Sirius, but I'm also not serious, But I''m also-"

"Uh...... Please confirm it, and come back tomorrow, Are you serious or not?" A now annoyed Lily said. "Oh, actually, my name is Sirius, Sirius Black. James looked awestruck, "You're Sirius Black?" Sirius replied "Uh yeah, why?" he asked. "Did you expect me to say I'm Sirius Blue or something?"

Lily mentally face-palmed herself, maan this was going to be a long day.

James said "Actually, I don't really like the Blacks- "What you mean you're racist or something?" "No that's not what I meant- ""Do you also not put tea leaves in your coffee?" "But aren't you supposed to put tea leaves in tea-?" "DO YOU ALSO NOT HAVE BLACK HAIR?!!" "No, they're brown" "Same thing" Anyways" 'DO YOU ALSO NOT HAVE BLACK EYES!??" "Umm no, they're hazel, actually- "DO YOU ALSO NOT HAVE BLACK SOCKS?!!' 'They're white?" "DO YOU ALSO NOT WEAR BLACK CLOTHES?!" 'No, they're orange?" "DO YOU ALSO NOT HAVE BLACK STRIPS ON YOUR PANTS?!!" "No, they're snitches and broomsticks and they're orange and yellow?" "DO YOU ALSO NOT- "'Can you lot keep it down a notch?"

Lily said from the corner of the compartment. "ARE YOU ALSO RASIST?" "Uhm What?" "DO YOU ALSO NOT HAVE BLACK HAIR?!" 'No, I don't actually- They're red" "DO YOU ALSO NOT HAVE BLACK EYES?!! 'Are you colour blind, like seriously, They're Green" "DO YOU ALSO NOT EAT BLACK DARK CHOCOLATE?!"

Suddenly the compartment door flew open. "Did anyone say Dark Chocolate?"

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