Chapter- 8 "The Sorting Of The Marauders"

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"Black, Sirius" 

Every eye on Sirius he was so confident he handed something thing to James and when kept the hat on the  Sirius hat immediately said in its heavy voice,

"ah another black I know what to do with you! The right house for you would be Slyt-"

"I also know what do with you if you put in that house or any house for that matter except Gryffindor" 

said Sirius while blowing up a matchstick and he almost burning the hat "ah umm GRYFFINDOR!" said the terrified hat in a scared voice.

 Sirius walked very happily to Gryffindor's table in the background everyone was shocked but NO ONE was more shocked than the Slytherins who were gaping at the boy they were cheering for just some minutes ago who was now.......... A GRYFINDOOR?!! 

But nevertheless, there were a lot of cheers but no one was cheering more than his sister Andromeda from the hufflepuff table shouting loudly-

 "GO BROTHER GO!!!!!!!!!!!" 

After this chaos, and quite a few people were looking at her like she was crazy or something.

McGonagall announced 

p..... James

Everyone was confused what was his last name? And why didn't McGonagall say it?

James takes a deep breath and when the hat going kept on his head hat a few inches before the hat shouts


At the Gryffindor table Sirius started dancing on the table? And was also joined by James who then together with Sirius starting jumping like monkey earning quite a lot of weird looks.

Peter gave Remus a look that said "What's wrong with them?" And Remus gave him a look back that said "They've lost it. They've officially gone mad."

"Lupin Remus"

Remus's ears jerked up at the announcement and he quickly walked up the lane ahead of all the whispers going on about him.

'Is that really Lyall upin's son? The one who made the thing about werewolfs?" "Ohh I heard his father has an old grudge with that were wolf- What was his name again-" 'Grindleward, You mean?" "Yeah, And I heard he will come back to try and kill Lyall!" I heard Lyall's a control freak and hot-headed! What if his son's like that , too? Gotta stay away from that one!"

Remus tried to ignore the peoples comments but it was really hard when there was a whole damn croud looking at you, judging you!

Remus  quietly sit on the stool and McGonagall  kept the hat on his head " hmm a  Werewolf! interesting"  said the hat "hey you stupid hat! keep quiet everyone is listening" said Remus trying to shush the hat 

"um dear no one can hear us! it is all between you and me! anyway hmm I think you should be in Ravenclaw what do you say?" said the hat who seemed quite happy with it's choice

 "I don't care I will be fine everywhere"

"Well I never! You don't seem that worried! Aren't you afraid of what people will say about you if they find out what you are ' said the hat seeming more worried than Remus himself

"No, Not at all. I have this opportunity to study here and I'm not going to waste it caring about stupid people's opinions about me being a werewolf." 

"Wow, you really are a brave fellow aren't you? So the best place for you would be in-"


 At the Gryffindor table, Sirius started doing a new gorilla dance with brand  new moves followed by James who seemed to be quite a quick learner! In Sirius's dance moves at least. 

And the house prefect who was already embarrassed enough with the first monkey dance and was now turning as orange as his hair suddenly when a certain blonde girl started laughing at them

"Pettigrew Peter"

Peter was looking scared thinking things like "What if the hat doesn't sort me into ANY of the houses or what if I am not a wizard and was mistakenly given the letter?" Peter took a deep breath and held that pen his sister gave him and it really felt like the pen gave him courage. Peter sat on the tool the hat was in and kept on his head "hmm I think I should put you in Hufflepuff " said the hat very confidently "Can you please put me in Gryffindor I want to be with my friends ' said peter

Friends who?

"James, Remus and Sirius" said peter " uh Sirius? he's your friend? well okay I'll put you in Gryffindor or that friend of yours will burn me into ashes.


AND again, Sirius and James started dancing with both Remus and the Prefect trying to stop them this time. 

Peter just looked at them and started laughing. He was SO very glad he was put in their house.

He did also think they were a tad crazy, OKAY he thought they were deranged but like, he wasn't the most normal person ever either! And these people would most certainly keep him entertained.

Author's note- So yo guys!!!! We've getting a lot of comments asking if we're dead and when we're updating so.... Yeah I would like you guys to know that we are very much alive.

Aaaand sorry for the late update! Actually I had violin class and as we came home from school quite late than we usually do, as we're doing stayback, I didn't get much time to write soo

M.B wrote this whole thing and I just edited it and added a few things, so A ROUND OF APPLAUSE to M.B for writing this awesome chapter

so yeah, stay safe, guys!

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