Chapter-13 "Severus's Weird Dreams"

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Maybe sleep could help him cope with his feelings, he thought as drifted off into dreamland.

But unfortunately, life doesn't really work like that. Even after sleeping till 11 pm that day, he still had a headache and his cheeks had trails of dried tears

It has been a week since Snape, and Lily has not talked. And Severus was really sad.

Lily wasn't having it easy either, though.

One day when James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter were going to watch the Quidditch Team practice, James's heart broke into pieces when saw lily sitting in the corner of Gryffindor's common room, crying while holding a picture of her and Snape.

 James felt so bad for Lily but at the same time knew he couldn't do anything as he knew she'd never talk to him after what happened on the train.

Even James knew that lily was all alone in Gryffindor's house because in Gryffindor's house she was the only girl of their year. 

And losing her friend made her even sader. James couldn't stand her being sad, but she would  never talk to him about it.

James also felt bad for snape as just the other day, when he was leaving the great hall, he saw snape sitting in the corner of the Slytherin table and he was holding the same picture of him and Lily that James saw just now in Lily's hands.

 He was feeling so bad for both, but he knew he couldn't do anything. 

But Lily and Snape weren't the only troubled beings in the Magical world right now. Back in Gringotts, several goblins were complaining about some tunnels being open and how they were sure a lot of money was stolen.

It was a ginormous scandal and almost everyone at Hogwarts knew about it. Lily had read about it in Daily Prophet too, and was a little worried, but that was the least of her worries. 

How was she ever gonna make it up to Severus? 

The perfect opportunity came before she could have imagined.

It was a combined class of potions. The Slytherins and Gryfindoors had one every Wednesday.

And when Lily saw Snape, she just couldn't hold it any longer. But just as she was about to run up to him, he came busting through the doors and stopped in front of Lily huffing.

"Lily- Lily!! I'm so sorry Lily!!! I'm a horrible friend and I don't deserve your forgiveness, but please! Please believe me! It wasn't on purpose.

Lily's eyes welled up and she hugged him and said 

"No, Severus! It was my fault!! All My STUPID FAULT!! I should've never gone so berserk on you! I know you didn't mean it!

"Let's just accept we're both sorry and be friends again, please?" Severus said looking at her

"Of Course!!" Lily said wiping tears. And just then, she noticed Severus's face. It looked even paler than before. He also had dark circles under his eyes.

"Severus- Are you okay?? You look so tired" Lily said panicking putting her hand on his head to see if he had a fever or something.

Severus shook his head and said "Actually, Lily I've been meaning to tell you this. But I haven't slept for over a week now, because I'm having the weirdest dreams!"

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