Chapter-22 "Chocolate Fudge"

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(Don't ask us why we named the chapter this. You'll soon find out yourself)

Stop this mad circus! RIGHT NOW!!!

As everyone's attention turned to the door, they turned around to see the figure looming over the door.

With pale grey eyes, jowls that quiver, and thin gray hair. The figure undoubtedly was the caretaker of Hogwarts Argus Filch.

As all the eyes on argus filch, and behind him was visible, a dust-colored cat, and a skeletal body. It with it's bulging yellow, lamp-like eyes was pepping cautiously through the gap in the door.

"you children are nothing but a cause of stress for me" said Argus grumpily while looking at each of marauders and lily.

"I swear if that foolish dumbledor wasn't the headmaster here I would have hung you each of you by your ankles to the ceiling! ohh curse him for banning that. In terms of punishment the previous headmaster was much better minded!" He concluded with a proud and victorious smile.

Well, that was until he heard someone taking a sip of tea. It was Dumbledore. Sipping his tea deeply in the corner of the room.

"I'm right here, man. Incase you didn't notice." Then took another deep sip of his very good tea.

Argus looked as white as paper. He stuttered saying "U-Umm... OH! MISS NORRIS IS CALLING ME!!!! I HAVE TO GO NOW!!!"
Just then a meow was heard.

Remus turned to Filch and said pointedly "Um but Miss Norris is right there. Peter is arguing with her over cheese. I think?"

And so she was. Peter was indeed arguing with Miss Norris about who had a bigger cheese collection.

" Ha! I obviously have a bigger cheese collection than you!! You know I have 69 different types of cheese!! A number you couldn't even dream of having."

" Meow Meow Meow!!!"

"WHAT???!! WHAT YOU'RE SAYING YOU HAVE 143 KINDS OF CHEESE?!!!" Peter said flabbergasted that a cat had more cheese than him?!!! THAT WAS UNACCEPTABLE!!!


"MEOW MEOW MEOW!!!" Miss Norris said in a somewhat arrogant tone.


And while that was going on in the background, Lily was pretty confused

"Uhmm is it just me, or are they fighting about cheese?" She asked almost doubting her own words.

"Fighting? Tzzzt. No! no! You don't get it at all! They're not fighting!! It's a creative discussion!!"


"Creative discussion!!"





While all of this was going on behind him, Remus scratched his head, thinking

"Creative discussion or fighting, I don't care. But how the hell are they even understand each other?!!!"

Just then, Lily screamed "What the freaking chocolate fudge?!!"

And those were enough to get Remus drown in his chocolate fudge fantasies


"What? Said James turning to Remus with a confused look on his face.

" Delicious..... they're delicious..... Chocolate fudges are delicious" Remus said with a dreamy look on his face just thinking about the sweet delicacy"

James frowned just thinking about it.

"Did minister of magic really taste that good? Well, no harm in giving it a try."

"okay guys I am going to minister of magic to get fudge"

Sirius thought "What? That dude doesn't even have any hair! He'll not taste very good" shaking his head

At this time lily looked confused "What? Are the fudges only available at ministry of magic now? But I just got them from Digon alley" she said taking out some chocolate fudges from her pocket, and gave it to the starved looking puppy-eyed Remus who took it most gratefully.

"Ohh!!!!! Maybe they are illegal to eat here now!!! Yeah!! Yeah !! in that case I should go to ministry of magic to get it confirmed by the minister!! Yeah, I should totally do that!! Let's go, Potter, I'm coming with you!"

"BRILLIANT!!!" James said glad to have a counterpart now.

And as they were both marching out the door, McGonagall who had just walked in cried "C'MON LILY! ATLEAST YOU HAVE A BIT OF LOGIC! JAMES WAS ALWAYS PRETTY DUMB, BUT WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!!

Remus turned to her and thought "Since when has she been standing there?"

Lily at McGonagall and instead of being annoyed at her comment she gleefully clapped her hands and said in a happy voice

"That's right!! I'll take their IQ Test!!!!!"

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