Chapter-16 "The Annoying Elf"

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When lily enter the classroom not surprisingly the classroom was empty yeah again the four boys are not attending the lecture even  Professor McGonagall has also not arrived. after a few minutes proffer McGonagall arrived in class.

"Uhh not again I really don't want to teach a single student again but what can I do the four boys really don't want to study at all," said McGonagall tiringly

Lily looked at her teacher with sympathy. But she was also glad that she was alone cuz the 3 boys were annoying! She kinda wished Remus was here though....

And just as she thought that the 4 boys made their entry. 

One of them was busy in fixing his hair then almost bumped into the door and an attempt to kill the door was made.

One of them walked in eating their cheese and attempt to eat their own shirt which also happened to be yellow was also made.

One of them was walking in moonwalking and had his tie wrapped around his head for some reason.

And lastly, one of them walked in covered in chocolate and was eating his favourite sneakers. (Not the shoes of course)

McGonagall looked stunned. She really didn't know if she wanted to cry or laugh. Why was she even surprised at this point? The boys were bananas! (Not literally of course)

She looked at the 4 boys. "Well, who decided to show up?"

James perked his head up "Minnie! It wasn't my fault! This one right here made us late by creating a scene in the great hall!!" He said pointing accusingly at Sirius.

"Yo yo yo!! It wasn't me who did it! I already told you! It was the damn elf!!"

"Ohh really how did an elf make you all come late to your class"

"Oh, it was a long day...."

I and James were at the lunch table. We were pretty annoyed as our dear Jamesie didn't get into the quidditch Team....

"Man! I just don't get it! What do they mean, 1st years can't play quidditch! That's so bloody unfair! I deserve to play on the team! I'm probably better than all the other douchbags on the team!" James rant seemed to go on and onn

"Now, now let's not get ahead of ourselves, and don't be such a sour loser, James! The rules are there for a reason" Then Remus started to speak a whole speech on the topic of how some first year got onto the team and was the seeker and how that game went on for a whole year and when it ended, the other team won. 

James was so irritated. And just then an elf popped out of the table making Sirius, James, and Peter fall out of their chairs. While Remus still went on about some "Age Division Rule 1984" thingy. He could talk nerdy through an earthquake James thought. But it still somehow takes him an avalanche to wake up.

The elf quickly apologized "Sorry! I just wanted to ask you if you wanted some water!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

James looked at the elf questionly. "Sure," he said.

"Okayy what water do you want? Mineral or Aqua?"


"What type of aqua? River Aqua or Savanna Aqua?"


"What type of Savanah? Eastern or Northern?"

"Northern," James said now getting quite annoyed

"What type of glass do you want it to be in? Circular or Cylindrical?"

"Uhhh What?  Uhmm that lendric- whatever it was-"

'James, do you even know what Cylindrical is?" Remus said finally breaking out of his lecture and looking skeptically at James.

"Of Course I do! It's when something sees a add and makes a drill in the ground then calls someone. See-Lens-dri-call.Cylindrical!

Remus just shook his head in disbelief. Even the elf looked amused.

"What do you want cold water, hot water, or a mix of cold and hot water?"

"COLD WATER," said Remus annoyingly 

"well okay I will be back after a minute"

oh finally he has gone hope he brings the water or otherwise, I will seriously kill him

ohh sorry sir I almost forget to ask something



"WHAT SHAPE WOULD WOULD YOU WANT YOUR GRAVE TO BE OF??!" Said Sirius while picking up a knife from his table and with Remus pulling him back from killing the elf.


"Can you tell me quickly what tray you want? I have other  work."

"Wha- What do you mean "other work". SOunds wrong indeed," Said James giving the elf a sly smirk.

"HE MEANT ANNOYING OTHER STUDENTS, IDIOT" Sirius said in the middle of his rage.  

"Ohhhhh Okay! Okay!!" James said in realization.

"We want it on a rectangular tray for goodnesses and my already half gone sanity!"

"Ok!!" the elf said while running off happily

He came back after a while running and slipped and dropped the rectangular glass in a rectangular plate of cold water on Remus.

And Remus, whose chocolate was now fully wet looked ready to die. He sat there in sollitude thinking about his life decisions for 3 minutes, then the elf spoke up again

"Oh, I'm SO sorry!!! Do you want me to clean this with a cotton cloth or a wollen cloth?"

And now Sirius, Peter, and James had to stop Remus from murdering the elf. 

By now, the ravenclaws whohad a double class with the gryfindoors also had gathered around them, and everyone was in bits with laughter.

"My- my goodness!!!" One of the ravenclaw girls said "That- I love that elf!!"

While everyone was enjoying themselves, the bell rang signaling the end of the class. Great, they hadn't learnt anything that day because of those stupid buys lily thouht.

But her face lightened up when she remembered what she was doing after this class

Teaching Severus Legimency

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