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1. Who is worse? Dolores or dumbledore?

M.B- Dolores of course! I mean how is that even a question?

S.P- Yeah, but I don't like Dumbledore much either tho.....

2. What's your favorite song?

M.B- Friends by Marshmello and Anne-Marie!

S.P- Yeah, and we love Let Me Love you too!

3. What do you think is the theme song for the ships in hp, why?

MB- WEll, the theme song of Snily is Friends the song we already talked about. About why, well Severus really got brother-zoned HARD! I mean we're not mocking him or anything, but yeah

SP- And the theme song for Hinny is Let me Love you, from Ginny's perspective

4. Books or movies?



5. What's your favorite Era?



6. What's your favorite author (Besides Rowling)?

SP – J.RR Tolkien

MB – Enid Blyton

7. What's your patronus

M.B- Mine is a cat just like Minerva McGonagall

SP- Mine is a phoenix, and yes that means I'M IMMORTAL

8. Do any of your friends read your stories?

M.B- Well the truth is.......

S.P- None of our friends read our stories M.B- In fact, none of our friends even read Harry Potter

9. Would you rather have Elder wand or Invisibility cloak?

M.B- Elder Wand!

S.P- Invisibility Cloak!

10. Would you rather be a seeker or a beater in Quidditch?


11. When are you planning to reveal your real names?

S.P- When we hit...... let's say- 1k reads!

12. Would you rather fight a Basilisk or a Dementor?

S.P- Dementor

M.B- Basilisk

S.P- Why?

M.B- Well, I mean, Since there is already a spell to defeat a dementor, what fun even is it?

S.P- What fun is it fighting a basilisk???

M.B- *Shrugging Face*

S.P- *Facepalming Face*

Author's Note- So guys yo what's up guys! So, basically, we're creating a quiz to see you guys's opinions on things, soooo please post comments for the  quiz down below! And thankyou for reading our fanfics! Oh, and the goal for QNA Part-3 is 500 comments and 100 reads! And yeah, We luv ya all❤ 

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