Chapter-14 "Sleepless Nights"

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Severus shook his head and said "Actually, Lily I've been meaning to tell you this. But I haven't slept for over a week now, because I'm having the weirdest dreams!"

"What are you talking about Sev?" said lily while crossing her arms and raising her eyebrows.

" Well- for starters, last night in my dreams, I saw that I was in what seemed to be in a world of burgers and pizzas?" 

"And also, there was a lake of coke and I had a pasta giant chasing me-?"

Lily looked at him and said jokingly "Sev, I think you're spending an awful lot of time with Francis Crabbe and Gregory Goyle Sr.!!"

Severus shook his head "Nah those two are total nut cases." Lily laughed like a witch (wAiT ShE Is A WiTcH)

Severus said "And that's not even the craziest thing!! This afternoon when I was taking a nap, I saw a dream where I was in a hair world...?" 

"Wha-? What does that even mean? Were there hair instead of trees or something...? Lily said looking skeptical🤨

Severus laughed "Well, not really!"  Hitting lily's shoulder playfully

"Jeez, thanks for breaking my shoulders, Sev," She said sarcastically

"Uhh Welcome!!" Severus said smiling 

Lily rolled her eyes. "As I  was saying............ There were a lot of hair products in my dreams!!! There was a lake of shampoo and waterfalls of conditioner. And I saw a valley of combs.............?"

Lily laughed again.  "Wow, Did you see Rapunzel's dreams or something?"

Severus looked at her. She stopped laughing and said "Oh sorry! Sorry! Continue!"

"Yeah. There were also like- a DOZEN mirrors!! and rains of hair masks! And then suddenly, the weather changed! Then there were pink teddy bears falling from the sky! 🐻

 There were also like- a DOZEN mirrors!! and rains of hair masks! And then suddenly, the weather changed! Then there were pink teddy bears falling from the sky! 🐻

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"It was awful!!! It was like I entered the room of a teenage girl or something"

"But I like pink teddy bears.........." Lily said

"OH, THEY ARE WONDERFUL!!!! I LOVED THEM!!!!!!" Severus suddenly said shoving his hands around. 

"Hi did you try that chocolate cake at breakfast it was yum!!!" A random hufflepuff girl said to Lily

"Uh Yeah it was pretty good " Lily replied politely "Oh yeah! That reminds me! I also had a dream in which I was in a chocolate world!!" He said excitedly

"Oh I get it there must be a river of chocolate syrup and mountains of chocolate balls and the mountain will be covered with white chocolate" Severus nodded 

"Pretty cliche if you ask me" Lily said to Severus

"But Sev. I don't get it. These are all good or amusing dreams to say the least. So why do you look like a skeleton? It isn't that bad. Not like you were having nightmares of something"

"Ohh that's where you're wrong!" He said

"How so?" Said Lily crossing her arms

"Well......" He started 

"Last night, in another one of my dreams, I was just falling and falling and falling into infinity. And after that I saw a really scary dream!"

"I was in a library and I was backing up and soon there was nothinng to back up against and My back hit the cold wall. There was a really intemedating lady who suddenly put her wand against my throat then said something about me being a blood-traitor and then she crutioed me- and then-"

Severus was sweating and seemed to be having a panic attack. Lily hugged him and rubbed his back.

"It's okay, Sev...... It was a dream just a dream."

Severus felt tears sting his eyes. Even he knew it was a dream. But it felt so....... real. Like someone had actually gone through this and was having to relive it.....

"You don't have to continue Sev..." Lily said considerably

"No..... It feels good to let it all out. In another dream, I was in a huge palace-like-house. I was siting with my parents, I was so happy! Then I just blinked and they were gone.................. I had this miserable feeling of loneliness and being used and taken advantage of......"

Lily looked at him "That must be horrible if it actually happened to someone...... I can't imagine my life without my parents!" She said. It was quite true, Lily's parents kind of hated her but LIly adored them and really cared about them.

"And then-"

Lily was broken out of her thoughts when Severus continued.

"I was in front of a house surrounded by trees and suddenly a wolf jumped out of nowhere and scratched and bit me! I also felt the immense feeling of being judged! It was terrible!!" 

"It was also kinda weird, tho...."


"Well just after I had the burger dream, and woke up, I heard francis talking about the same thing..."

Lily suddenly looked excited. It was as if a literal bulb had turned on

She said "Wait right here Sev! Don't move! I'll be right back!!!"

Severus looked confused  "What? Where are you going?" "The library of course!! Lily said excitedly

"Sev! I think I may have just found out what's happening with your dreams! I just need some more clues!'

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