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As expected Enzo got interrogated by his Dad as soon as he got back home. Enzo lied about where he was, not wanting to get Steve or anyone else in trouble.


Enzo walked side by side in the hallways the next day with his best friend Aliyah. They were talking about the incident that happened the night prior.

"And he just let you walk home?" She asked.


"In the middle of the night?"


"Even though it's dangerous?"


"For a girl?"

"Yup. Well, I cant blame him for choosing sex over me but it just stung a little." And that's when Enzo seen Steve and Nancy kissing in front of her lockers.

"That's new." Aliyah commented.

"Tell me about it." Enzo replied. 

The bell rang causing Enzo and Aliyah to move into their respective classes. "Bye, love you." They said to each other.

Enzo took a seat in front of Nancy. Taking out what he would need for the class.

"Hey Enzo," Nancy called out causing the boy to look back at her, "Where's Barb?"

"Um, shouldn't you know?" He answered confused.

"You haven't seen her anywhere?"

Enzo just shook his head and went back to taking out his things.

And that's when it hit him.

Come to think about it, Enzo didn't see Barbara move her car when he walked past it to go home yesterday. And she should've left before him.

"I have to check to make sure I'm not crazy." Enzo thought.


At the end of the day, Jonah waved goodbye to Aliyah.

As he was walking to see what the commotion was at Steve's car he ended up walking side by side with Nancy. "Great." He thought.

"What's going on?" Nancy asked when they approached.

Steve glanced at Enzo mumbling a hey which Enzo ignored.

"There's the starring lady." Tommy said to Nancy.

"This creep was spying on us." Carol said while handing a picture that Jonathan Byers took of her and Steve doing....

"So they did do it." Thought Enzo.

Johnathan Byers brother recently went missing. Enzo felt bad but this was kind of weird.

"You can tell that he knows it was wrong," Steve started while walking up to Johnathan. "But that's the thing about perverts, it's hard wired into them ya know they just can't....help themselves." He said while ripping the pictures up.

Tommy and Carol snicker. "So we'll have to take away his toy." Steve added while grabbing Johnathan's camera.

"No no please not the camera." Johnathan spoke up. But then Tommy stepped up to him stopping him.

"Here you go man." Steve said handing the camera to Johnathan, but as John went to reach for it, Steve intentionally dropped it. Shattering the camera.

"What the fuck Steve?" Enzo spoke up.

"Whatever." They left leaving Nancy, Enzo and Johnathan.

"Hey Enzo!" Steve shouted, "Come on."

"No!" Enzo shouted back. He then left the scene muttering an apology to Johnathan.

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