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"That keycard opens the door but unfortunately the Russian with said card has a massive gum." Dustin told the group. 

"Not a problem." Enzo crossed his arms.

"What? The man with the massive gun?" Robin was confused.

"Uh- Whatever is in those rooms, whatever is in those boxes they really don't want anyone finding it." Dustin cut in.

"There's got to be a way in." Robin said.

"Well I can just knock him out." Steve said.

"When have you actually won a fight?" Dustin asked.

"That was one time-"

"Really? Johnathan, year prior."

Robin left and grabbed money from the tip jar. "Where are you going?" Enzo asked her.

"To find a safe way in. In the mean time scoop ice-cream, behave, and don't get beat up." She referred to Steve.

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Robin came back a few hours later. "It is fascinating what 20 bucks could get you at the County Recorder's Office." She laid out a blueprint of the mall onto a table. "The complete blueprints." "There's not away in, if your talking exclusively about doors." She pulled the first layer of the blueprints off.

"Air ducts." Dustin realized.

"Exactly. Turns out, this secret rooms needs air just like any old room. And these air ducts," She took a red marker and drew onto the blueprint "lead all the way here."

Steve took apart the covering to the air duct. "Yeah man I don't know if you can fit in here, it's like super tight." He told Dustin.

"I'll fit. Trust me no collar bones remember."

"Excuse me?" Robin asked.

"He's missing bones." Enzo told her.

"Yeah, he's got some disease. He's missing bones and stuff he can bend like Gumbo." Steve said.

"You mean Gumby." She corrected.

"No. It's gumbo."

"Steve just shut up and push me!" Dustin was almost into the air duct.

"Okay." Steve started pushing his feet.

"Not my feet dumbass. Push my ass."


"Touch my butt! I Don't care!"

"I'm not touching that-"

"You told me that you would touch Enz-" Steve pushed onto Dustin so hard before he could finish that sentence. 

Enzo's face heated up. The bell at the register rang. Enzo looked over and it was Lucas' sister. Erica. "Perfect." He said.

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"Are you claustrophobic." He asked her. Steve pulled Dustin out of the air duct.

"I don't have any phobias." She said.

"Okay," Steve crossed his arms, "Then what's the problem?"

"The problem is, I still haven't heard what's in this for Erica."

"I like her." Enzo laughed.

They sat her down and gave her a ton of ice cream. "Any booby traps?" She asked.

"Booby traps?"

"Lasers, spikes in a wall? You know what this half-baked plan of yours sounds like to me? Child endangerment."

"We'll be in radio contact with you the whole time-" 

Erica cut Robin off. "Uh-- Uh- Uh- Child. Endangerment."

"Don't you love your country?" Dustin asked her.

"You cant spell 'America' without Erica." She took a sip of her smoothie.

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It was night time. "Erica do you copy?" Robin tested out the radio.

"Mhm. I copy. You nerds in position or what?" She replied.

"Yeah were in position." They were on the roof of the building. "It's all quiet here so you got the green light."

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Erica got them into the room. Steve took out a knife he held on him and cut a box open. "Definitely not Chinese food." Steve said looking at a capsule. "Maybe you guys should stand back."

Erica, Robin, and Enzo stood back. "If you die, I die." Dustin refused.

"Get your ass back here." Enzo snatched him back.

Steve pulled one of the capsules out, air hissed from it and fog came out. He pulled out some type of green ooze. 

"What the hell?" The room shacked.

"Let's just grab that and go." Robin said taking it from Steve. Dustin went over to the elevator and pressed the buttons but it wasn't working.

The door they came into got sealed shut by a hidden wall. The room they were in started to shake violently and started to fall. Enzo was thrown towards a wall. Steve struggled to get to the boy, but when he did he tried his best to grab his hand and keep him from being thrown around more.

"Ah shit."

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