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"i'm over waitin', I'm all messed up."

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"Aliyah!" Enzo screamed excitedly to his best friend.

"Enzo!" Both friends hugged each other.
"It feels like we haven't seen each other in forever." She smiled.

"I know, right." Enzo couldn't exactly say that he was busy fighting monsters and shit.

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As Enzo and Aliyah walked out of class, they were handed flyers for a Halloween Party.

"A Halloween party? Count me in." Aliyah said excitedly. 

"Are you going in costume?" Enzo asked her.

"Yeah, you?"

"Maybe. Maybe not. I don't really feel like it."


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Enzo spotted Nancy and Johnathan at her locker later on that day. He walked up to them.

"Well hello there."

"Enzo!" Nancy pulled him into a hug. He fist bumped with Johnathan and the three began talking about everything and nothing at the same time.

Steve creeped up behind Nancy and pulled her into a hug from behind. Nancy shrieked from the fright he must've given her. "Oh my God! Take those stupid things off." She said referring to his shades he wore indoors.

"I missed you." He told her.

"Its been like an hour."

"Tell me about it." Then he pulled her in for a kiss. Enzo didn't know the two were back together so this was news to him. They were full blown making out.

Enzo and Johnathan exchanged uncomfortable looks and walked away together, leaving Nancy and Steve to continue what they were doing.

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Enzo walked into a gas station after school , planning on purchasing some cigarettes' for the party. He's never smoked before, but why not right?

He walked to the back of the store to get a water out of the refrigerators. Then the door opened. Enzo heard some arguing in front of the shop.

"What the hell?" He thought. Enzo didn't want to end up being in a shop that was about to get robbed. Enzo began making his way to the front to get a better look.

He seen a guy with tight jeans on and medium length brown hair in the front arguing with the clerk.

The guy paid for his stuff when he turned around and made eye contact with Enzo.

Enzo thought the guy was really charming. "What ya lookin' at?" The guy asked Enzo.

"Uh nothing."

"What's your name?"

"Elias." Enzo lied.

"Really? You don't look like one."

"What's it to you?" Enzo retorted.


"Well are you gonna give me your name."

"Billy." The guy began making his way to the door when he turned back around. "Oh." The guy tossed something to Enzo, which Enzo caught with one hand, easily.

"You look like you need it," Billy sent a wink Enzo's way and walked out of the store.

Enzo looked at what he caught and to his surprise, it was a cigarette pack. "How did he?"

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