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The school bell rang indicating that the school day was now over. "Thank God." Enzo thought.

He walked through the halls of Hawkins High when he felt someone put their arm around his shoulder. "What's up loser." His best friend Steve Harrington said.

"Not your zipper," Enzo said causing Steve to look down and pull his zipper up.

"Every time," Steve said, "But anyways I'm throwing a little get together with Tommy, Carol, Nancy and You."


"Yeah you."

"Did you even ask me if I wanted to come?"

"Well I figured you'd come anyway ya'know 'cause your my best friend." Enthusiasm came from Steve's mouth.

"I'll have to check my schedule." Enzo said while pushing the doors to the front of the school open.

"Your schedule? Your literally not even busy."

"And how would you know that Harrington?"


"Because?" Enzo waited for an answer but got none. He waved goodbye to Steve and headed home.


Several hours later Enzo decided that he would go to the party. Because Steve was his first friend when he arrived suddenly to Hawkins. Also Jim Hopper, Enzo's adoptive father wasn't home yet so its not like he had anyone to stop him.

He stood outside of Steve's house door, contemplating knocking. But decided against it since he know Steve would be by the pool.

"Hey man! You came!" Steve shouted at Enzo, causing the boy to smile.

"I did."

Tommy and Carol greeted him when he noticed Nancy Wheeler and her friend. A friend Enzo has never seen before.

Enzo decided to take a seat by the unknown girl, introducing himself and they began having a light conversation.

"Is that supposed to impress me?" Nancy asked Steve as he chugged down some beer and sat beside her.

"Your not?" He answered.

"Your a cliché, you do realize that?"

"You are a cliché with your grades, your band practice." He added

Enzo decided to tune them out a bit. Then Steve turned down the music and passed a beer to Nancy.

She was going to chug it.

"Chug, chug, chug, chug.." Everyone but Barbara, Nancy's friend shouted.

Nancy chugged the beer, with Barbara giving a disappointed look.

"Barb, you wanna try?" Nancy adverted her attention to her best friend.

"No, what?"

"Just give it a shot." Nancy said while giving Barb a knife, to make a hole in the beer can.

Barbara looked like she was struggling a bit.

"Go Barb!" Enzo sent a reassuring smile to her.

"This thing is such a-" Barbara got cut off when she accidentally cut herself with the knife. Blood was sent down her finger.

Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood.


"Come on Enzo, don't be afraid." Papa, the man with white hair said to a very tiny Enzo. "Kill him."

"I- I don't want to." Enzo began to hyperventilate, he didn't know what was happening. He didn't know why Papa wanted him to kill this man who was tied up in front of them with a blindfold over his face.

"He's a bad man Enzo," Papa continued, "He tried to take your Papa away from you."

"He did?"

"Yes, he did."

Enzo then slowly turned to the man, mouthing a 'I'm sorry' even though he knew the man couldn't see him.

Enzo then stretched his right arm out, a red energy formed around his palms and then the energy went around the man's torso. The man began to scream and blood trickled down from his nose.

Eventually the screaming got too much for Enzo's little mind to continue. "I don't want to!" Enzo shouted at Papa.

"That's fine," Papa motioned for guards to come into the room, "Take him."

"What? No! No!" The guards began to place a needle into Enzo's neck, knocking him out in a few seconds.


"Enzo?" Steve called out interrupting him from his thoughts.

"Uh what? Sorry."

"Get in man." He noticed everyone but Barbara in the pool. Come to think of it the girl was no longer outside with them. She must've went to clean up or something.


When they got done in the pool everyone was inside with a towel.

"You alright?" Steve asked Nancy.

"Yeah," She replied.

"Let's get you some dry clothes," Steve said completely dismissing the fact that Enzo was soaked as well.

Barbara came out of nowhere stopping Nancy from going up the stairs. "Where are you going?"

"No where, just going upstairs to uh- change." Then Steve walked back to the top of the stairs looking at us from the rail.

"Bullshit." Enzo quietly muttered but was heard anyway.

"Dude." Steve shot Enzo a look causing Enzo to roll his eyes.

"Why don't you just go home?" Nancy told Barbara, "I'll just get a ride or something."

"This isn't you." Barbara said.

"I'm fine. Just go home okay?" Then Nancy walked upstairs.

Barbara walked out of the house, leaving Enzo and Steve.

"I'm not gonna be a cockblock or anything but you basically begged me to come to this shit." Enzo started.

"Yeah I know that but this is my chance to-"

"To sleep with her?" Enzo said causing Steve to shut up.

"You could've at least offered me some clothes."

"That's why your mad? Because I didn't offer you clothes?"

"Well excuse me for wanting to be dry!" Enzo shouted slamming the door making a dramatic exit.

He walked home that night. His Dad was on Duty, so he didn't want to call him. He also didn't want to ask Steve for a ride.

The air was cool, the wind was blowing, but somehow the night felt odd. Not the fact that he got into a petty argument with Steve.

But something felt, wrong. Like something bad happened and he just narrowly escaped it.

cloaked lust • steve harrington Where stories live. Discover now