[ FAG ]

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Later that day Enzo met up with Nancy to discuss what they've seen. Nancy wanted to go to the funeral home, something about Jonathan Byers.


As Enzo and Nancy showed themselves to Johnathan, who was talking to a funeral director he excused himself. "Can you just give me a second?" He softly told the director.

Enzo's heart broke slightly for Johnathan. Having your brother go missing, him showing up dead, and having to plan the funeral by yourself. Enzo didn't know why he was planning the funeral by himself though.

Enzo walked over to the two "Hey." Johnathan was confused, rightfully so.

"Hey." Nancy replied. "Your mom said you'd be here."

"Can we talk for a second?" Enzo cut in feeling awkward with the tension going on.


The teens were now in the hallway sitting down in chairs. Nancy showed Johnathan the picture he took of Barb the night she went missing.

"It looks like it could be some perspective distortion, but I wasn't using a wide angle." Johnathan said handing the picture back to Nancy.

"And your sure you didn't see anyone else out there?"

"No," He answered surely, "One second she was there and the next...gone."

"The cops think that she ran away." Nancy said.

"When Enzo and I went back to Steve's, separately, I thought I saw something."

"I definitely did." Enzo said.

"Some weird man, or...I don't know what it was." Enzo motioned to Nancy showing her the look on Johnathan's face.

"I'm sorry, we shouldn't have come here today." Nancy said while getting her things.

As they both were walking away Johnathan called out to them. "What did he look like?"

"What?" Nancy and Enzo asked in unison.

"The man you guys saw in the woods. What'd he look like."

"I don't know. It was almost like he didn't-"

"Have a face." Johnathan finished her sentence.

Nancy and Enzo both shared a look. "How'd you know that?" Enzo asked Johnathan.


Enzo decided to not go with Nancy and Johnathan back to the school as they were looking at all of the pictures that Johnathan took that night. Instead he went to Steve's place.

"Hi." Enzo said while climbing into Steve's room through his window.

"Hey." Steve said rushing over to help Enzo in.

"I know you hate card games, but I really think you should try this one." Enzo dumped out the cards onto Steve's bed.

"Do I have to?"

"Yes. It'll help you with discipline." Enzo stated.

"I am disciplined." Steve faked a frown on his face.

"Sure you are."

As they began playing for about four minutes Steve spoke up.

"Where did you run off to today?" Enzo didn't want to tell him. I mean it wasn't really a big deal right..? Right.

"With Nancy."

"You were with Nancy?" Steve questioned a bit shocked.

"And Johnathan."

"What?" Steve raised his voice a little.

"What's the problem? His brother was found dead Steve."

"So you just decide to hang out with him?"

"I wasn't hanging out with him. We thought it would be a good idea to pay our respects!"

"Were you trying to get with Nancy?" Steve said while standing up. "You never really liked her, anyway. So why now?"

"Steve? What? I would not ever try to get with Nancy. And I never said I didn't like her! It was just the fact that all you wanted to do was sleep with her!" Enzo was fuming right now. How could Steve accuse him of trying to get with his girlfriend? Was he insane?

"Oh don't tell me that your a fag, and that you would rather sleep with me." Steve retorted.

Enzo was shocked, angry, and hurt at Steve's words.

How could he say something so vicious?

Both boys stared at each other still angry.

"As a matter of fact Steve, I am!" Enzo shouted and climbed back out of Steve's window.

Steve had a stunned facial expression. "Enzo! Wait! I didn't mean it!"

But all Enzo could do was run. Enzo never looked at himself as gay. But he was. He had never thought about that side of him, or even openly told someone beside from Aliyah.

Sure he knew Steve said stupid shit all the time. But this was way too far. How dare he?

Tears came down from Enzo's eyes. He wasn't one to cry. But he just had to.


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