Chapter 2

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Content warning:Su!c!dle thoughts(I think) &  threats.

[ ]: in thought.

[It's been too long. More than an hour has surely passed. Right?] Adam thought to himself.

"W̴h̴a̴t̴'s̴ t̴h̴e̴ p̴o̴i̴n̴t̴? J̴o̴n̴a̴h̴ w̴o̴u̴l̴d̴ n̴e̴v̴e̴r̴ c̴o̴m̴e̴ b̴a̴c̴k̴. D̴o̴n̴t̴ y̴o̴u̴ r̴e̴m̴e̴m̴b̴e̴r̴ a̴l̴l̴ t̴h̴e̴ h̴o̴r̴r̴i̴b̴l̴e̴ t̴h̴i̴n̴g̴s̴ y̴o̴u̴ s̴a̴i̴d̴ t̴o̴ h̴i̴m̴? H̴e̴ d̴e̴s̴e̴r̴v̴e̴s̴ w̴a̴y̴ b̴e̴t̴t̴e̴r̴ t̴h̴a̴n̴ w̴h̴a̴t̴ y̴o̴u̴ g̴a̴v̴e̴ h̴i̴m̴. Y̴o̴u̴ d̴i̴d̴ t̴h̴i̴s̴ t̴o̴ y̴o̴u̴r̴s̴e̴l̴f̴. H̴e̴ w̴i̴l̴l̴ n̴e̴v̴e̴r̴ c̴o̴m̴e̴ b̴a̴c̴k̴." A distorted voice said. It appeared to be coming from the T.V which was still playing static and white noise.

Adam quickly lifted his head to face the T.V with a face full of terror and confusion.

"Wh-who said that!" Adam yelped. No answer was given. Adam slowly put his legs down in a very stiff manner.

He began to scootch over and closer to the T.V to get a better look. He leaned in slowly and squinted his eyes. He then started to see a figure behind all of the static that was still playing.

Adam began to feel a bit strange. His vision becoming blurry, his head feeling dizzy.

[It's probably from all the crying I've been doing... I'm very... tired...I-.......need] Adam thought as he laid down and closed his eyes.


"A̴f̴t̴e̴r̴ a̴l̴l̴ h̴e̴ s̴a̴i̴d̴ t̴o̴ y̴o̴u̴, a̴f̴t̴e̴r̴ h̴o̴w̴ m̴u̴c̴h̴ h̴e̴ t̴o̴o̴k̴ a̴w̴a̴y̴ f̴r̴o̴m̴ y̴o̴u̴, y̴o̴u̴ s̴t̴i̴l̴l̴ r̴u̴n̴ b̴a̴c̴k̴ t̴o̴ h̴i̴m̴ o̴n̴l̴y̴ t̴o̴ b̴e̴ b̴r̴o̴k̴e̴n̴ e̴v̴e̴n̴ m̴o̴r̴e̴ j̴u̴s̴t̴ b̴e̴c̴a̴u̴s̴e̴ y̴o̴u̴ f̴e̴e̴l̴ p̴i̴t̴y̴ t̴o̴w̴a̴r̴d̴s̴ h̴i̴m̴. Y̴o̴u̴ c̴a̴n̴'t̴ h̴e̴l̴p̴ b̴u̴t̴ f̴e̴e̴l̴ b̴a̴d̴ f̴o̴r̴ h̴i̴m̴ j̴u̴s̴t̴ b̴e̴c̴a̴u̴s̴e̴ h̴e̴ c̴a̴n̴'t̴ h̴a̴n̴b̴l̴e̴ g̴r̴i̴e̴v̴i̴n̴g̴ o̴n̴ h̴i̴s̴ o̴w̴n̴. Y̴o̴u̴ l̴e̴t̴ h̴i̴m̴ t̴a̴k̴e̴ a̴d̴v̴a̴n̴t̴a̴g̴e̴ o̴f̴ y̴o̴u̴ b̴e̴c̴a̴u̴s̴e̴ y̴o̴u̴ t̴h̴i̴n̴k̴ h̴e̴ i̴s̴ t̴h̴e̴ p̴a̴t̴h̴e̴t̴i̴c̴ o̴n̴e̴ h̴e̴r̴e̴. B̴u̴t̴ y̴o̴u̴r̴ w̴r̴o̴n̴g̴ J̴o̴n̴a̴h̴. Y̴o̴u̴ s̴h̴o̴w̴ h̴o̴w̴ m̴u̴c̴h̴ o̴f̴ a̴ w̴e̴a̴k̴, p̴a̴t̴h̴e̴t̴i̴c̴, p̴i̴t̴i̴f̴u̴l̴l̴y̴, m̴i̴s̴t̴a̴k̴e̴ y̴o̴u̴ t̴r̴u̴l̴y̴ a̴r̴e̴. Y̴o̴u̴ a̴l̴w̴a̴y̴s̴ t̴e̴l̴l̴ y̴o̴u̴r̴s̴e̴l̴f̴ t̴h̴a̴t̴ A̴d̴a̴m̴ c̴a̴n̴'t̴ h̴a̴n̴d̴l̴e̴ t̴h̴i̴n̴g̴s̴ h̴i̴m̴s̴e̴l̴f̴ a̴n̴d̴ h̴o̴w̴ t̴e̴r̴r̴i̴f̴i̴e̴d̴ h̴e̴ m̴u̴s̴t̴ b̴e̴ w̴i̴t̴h̴o̴u̴t̴ y̴o̴u̴, b̴u̴t̴ r̴e̴a̴l̴l̴y̴ i̴t̴'s̴ y̴o̴u̴ J̴o̴n̴a̴h̴. Y̴o̴u̴ a̴r̴e̴ t̴h̴e̴ s̴c̴a̴r̴e̴d̴ o̴n̴e̴ h̴e̴r̴e̴. A̴d̴a̴m̴ n̴e̴v̴e̴r̴ a̴n̴d̴ w̴i̴l̴l̴ n̴e̴v̴e̴r̴ n̴e̴e̴d̴ y̴o̴u̴. Y̴o̴u̴ d̴r̴a̴g̴g̴e̴d̴ h̴i̴m̴ d̴o̴w̴n̴ t̴o̴ y̴o̴u̴r̴ l̴e̴v̴e̴l̴ b̴e̴c̴a̴u̴s̴e̴ y̴o̴u̴ w̴e̴r̴e̴ s̴c̴a̴r̴e̴d̴."

"No." Jonah said.

"You can't manipulate me into another fly in your web." "You will never get whatever cruel things you had planned. No matter how long you tease me for, I'M GETTING MY ADAM BACK AND YOU CAN'T STOP ME!!"

Jonah then floored the gas pedal, driving all the way back with determination and passion in his eyes. 

Never left him behind [Mandela Catalogue] Jonah x AdamWhere stories live. Discover now