Ending 2 pt.3

816 22 36

Content warning: uh- cringe?.? Bad writing?.? +Mark 3rd wheeling.🌝👍

Adam felt awkward as Mark drove his car, they didn't make much conversation during the drive. Adam didn't even know why they trusted Mark so much to even let him take them on a road that goes in the middle of nowhere and then to some deep woods.

"So uh, tell me more about Jonah. How long have you two been apart?" Mark tried to make conversation and tried to dial down the awkwardness between them.

"Jonah was.. annoying."

"Oh.... Uh," Mark didn't know how to react to the response.

"But God I love him. He was there for me when I needed him and he never left me. He's the best thing to happen to me, he really was." Adam sighed and their face slowly became red. They thought about every moment they had with Jonah. Adam smiled at these moments.

"I haven't seen him in years. I would say over three if anything.."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I know what it's like to miss someone important." Mark glanced a few times at Adam. Adam stared out the side window and watched the trees pass by, they all were blurred unless Adam followed a specific one before it cut out of view.

"It's okay.. I just hope I can find him. Then everything will be alright."

"So like.. is Jonah your friend or anything? Like a relative or.." Adam's face went redder and hot.

"He's uhm.. my boyfriend..".Adam smiled widely and started to melt.

"I see, well Jonah is sort of a lucky guy. Well you know because you guys haven't seen each other in a while but also because he's with you or something like that.." Mark mumbled a bit towards the end of his sentence.

Adam chuckled a bit, Mark wasn't really the best at conversation and it showed. They thought that maybe it wasn't a bad idea to join Mark.

Mark and Adam made conversation during the drive. Both grew more comfortable around each other and became faint friends.

–Time Skip–

Mark stopped by a gas station once the two got there. After he filled his tank he sat in the driver's seat and looked at Adam.

"So where do you wanna start looking?" Mark asked Adam before starting up the car.

"I..uh.. don't really know. You think we could like, spit up or something. You know, since the town isn't really the smallest.." Adam felt a bit nervous asking this question, they thought they'd be asking too much of Mark.

"Sure, I'm all in for doing favors." Mark gave a smile to Adam. Adam felt more at ease and smiled back. Mark began driving to where Adam directed him to.

They reached a set of apartments to see if Jonah lived in any. The rest of the day concluded with Adam and Mark knocking on doors asking for Jonah and running into each other.

"Okay Adam, I think we should take a break. Maybe get something to drink at a Cafe or something." By now it had been 5 hours and they still had no leads or anything.

They got off at a Cafe not far from where they had met up and ordered drinks.

"Oh, damn I don't have my wallet on me.." Adam checked their pocket multiple times but they couldn't find it.

"Don't worry, I got this." Mark said gleefully.

"Are you sure, I mean I don't wanna seem like I'm taking advantage of you or anything. "

"What, no, you're fine Adam. I'm sure and I'm the one offering to pay." Mark gave a light pat on Adam's shoulder then handed some cash to the cashier.

Once they got their drinks they sat down in the Cafe and talked.

Never left him behind [Mandela Catalogue] Jonah x AdamWhere stories live. Discover now