Chapter 20

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Content warning: Swearing, mentions of gun use, idk how to describe one scene so sorry😭 it's bad.

Since Jonah and Adam were stuck in a room they looked around to see if there was anything that could be useful to them.

"Wait, isn't this your room Jonah?" Adam looked over to Jonah. Jonah looked back .

"Yeah, why?"

"Well where's the secret stash of snacks you keep hiding from me, I'm hungry. "

"Wow, I'm offended by how you assume I would do that." Jonah said while putting one hand on his chest. Both were silent for a few seconds before Jonah gave up.

"Okay fine there in my closet behind all my stuff." Jonah pointed to his closet. Adam got up from the floor, which they were previously on, and made their way to the closet.

After a moment Adam came back and sat down on Jonah's bed next to him. They had a shoebox and once they opened the lid on top it was revealed to be stuffed with mini snack mixes and such.

Adam helped themselves to a few bags while Jonah just grabbed one.

"You're not hungry? That's a first." Adam spoke as they stuffed their face with the mix.

"Pfft- as if. I'm just preserving our food supplies which is what you should be doing too." Adam stuck their tongue out at Jonah as a joke. Jonah gasped and then started to tickle Adam on the sides of their stomach.

Both roughly played and tickled each other laughing like crazy. Once they cooled down they were laying on their backs on the bed. Jonah ended up having his arm on top of Adam, resting, across them.

Jonah gently moved his hand to place his palm against Adam's chest, where the wound was. Both stayed silent and just watched. After a moment Jonah started to move his thumb back and forth, almost petting Adam's chest.

"I should have never left you alone. I'm so sorry Adam.." Jonah started to feel tears in his eyes but tried to hold it in as best as he could.

"It's not your fault Jonah. I was being such an asshole to you, you had a good reason to leave me." Before Jonah could say anything else Adam shifted their body to lay on their side facing Jonah. They then pulled Jonah into yet again another hug.

"But it doesn't matter. You came back, I'm still alive, we're together again, we can move on still Jonah. It's not too late." Adam pulled away and sat up, they looked over at the door.

"We just need a way out of here.." Adam looked around once more.

"Jonah, your gun. We can kill that bitch and get out of here." Jonah sat up.

"But what if it doesn't work...what if-"

"Jonah please. It's our only way out of here." Adam walked over to Jonah.

"Look at me." They placed their hands on both sides of Jonah's face. Tilting his head up a bit. Both stared into each other's eyes.

"We're going to make it out of here okay?" Jonah looked away looking upset, he bit his lip before looking back at Adam and replied.


Never left him behind [Mandela Catalogue] Jonah x AdamWhere stories live. Discover now