Chapter 12

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Jonah finally made it to the hospital. He walked down the hallways that he now knew like the back of his hand. Jonah placed his hand on the door handle to Adam's room, he sighed and gripped the bag and a balloon attached to it in his hand tightly. He opened the door and walked in a little faster than he would normally.

He looked over to see Adam asleep, Jonah closed the door behind him and quietly walked over to a counter to place the bag. He found a chair and placed it back next to the bedside facing the bed.

[Why do they always put the chairs back everyday? I'm gonna continue moving them around.] Jonah thought to himself as he sat down. He leaned forward and placed both of his elbows on the bed, crossing them.

He buried his head and moved it to face Adam. He was still asleep, they looked peaceful and at ease. Jonah's face got hot, he immediately faced the other way scrunching his face.

He sighed a bit before he suddenly felt a hand land on his head, ruffling his hair a bit. Jonah flinched, sat up, and faced where he thought the hand was coming from. It was Adam's hand, they seemed a bit surprised at the sudden reaction from Jonah.

They both stared at each other for a hot second. Adam broke down in laughter until they came into tears. Jonah just watched, his face gradually getting redder by the second.

"Sorry, I thought you were asleep." Adam spoke, still laughing. Jonah still continued to stay silent, at this point his face was almost identical to a ripe tomato. Adam finally calmed down and looked back at Jonah, he just noticed how red he was. Once they made eye contact Jonah quickly turned his head to face the opposite from Adam.

Adam chuckled once again then leaned forward to wrap his arms around Jonah, pulling him into a hug.

Jonah hugged back and buried his face in Adam's chest, he made sure not to put much pressure on it. Jonah then started to seem to cry a bit. His breath became noticeably shaky.


"Are you okay?" Adaam asked in a gentle yet concerning tone. Jonah remaind silent, only letting out a few sniffling every now and then.

"Its okay Jonah." Adam continued placing one of his hands on Jonahs head.

"You don't need to talk about it if you don't want to, I'm not forcing you." They began to stoke Jonahs hair gently. After a few moments of comforting, Jonah finally let go and began to rub his eye.

"Sorry," he spoke weakly.

"Its okay Jonah, don't be."

"I just... was contemplating something.. thats all." Jonah felt as if he had to explain himself. He didn't want to worry Adam, he just couldn't really help but tear up just a bit.

Adam stayed silent, he looked at Jonah with worried eyes. They began to fiddle with their hands, they weren't sure weather or not to pull Jonah into another hug or just to talk.

"Oh yeah, thats right." Jonah said as he got up from his chair to retrieve the bag that he had bought for Adam.

"Here, its for you." Jonah reached his arm out to Adam so they could grab the bag. Jonah became nervous again, he then was reminded something. It was very important to him.

A note he had wrote for Adam. He wasn't sure if he should put it in the bag for them or not. It was still on his pocket. Should he just not give it to them or should he wait.

Jonah didn't really pay attention to the reaction Adam had with whatever else was in the bag, he just was still thinking of every possible thing Adam could say. Jonah wasn't the one to over think, if anything he was the one to not think things through at all.

Why was this the only thing that Jonah thought so hard about?

[What if they don't... what if they don't want to be friends anymore? What if it gets awkward after? What if-] Jonahs thoughts were interrupted.

"Jonah? You good?" Adam was staring at Jonah, they had a confused face on.

"Y-yeah... im good." Jonah showed a thumbs up then awkwardly put it back down. Time passed at some lady had told them from the door that visiting hours were almost over.

"I'd better be going now, I'll be back again tomorrow." Jonah said getting his things ready. He decided to not think and just do it. He reached in his jacket pocket and thew the note to Adam.

"Whats this?" Adam picked the note up.

"Its something." Jonah responded.

"'kay bye." Jonah quickly left the room leaving Adam confused once again by themself. Adam opened the note and began to read. What the note said left Adam stunned.

(The woman was too stunned to speak) lol.

Author's note: I'm losing ideas for this- there might or might not be another update... I will let you guys know if I need more time to finish a chapter. Also I will try more to make them a bit longer :) 

'K bye!

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