Ending 2 FINAL

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Content warning: Swearing, gay :o, the end end :(

Jonah's P.O.V

It's not jealousy, it's just weird having another dude hang out. I was Adam's only friend and I was thier's. It's different, everythings different.

"So, what do you do exactly?" Adams' voice broke me out of my thoughts. I paused for a bit, contemplating what I should say.

"Many, uh side jobs. And part time at a restaurant."

The man named Mark budged in "You must be pretty busy then," I only glanced at him. It probably looked like I was annoyed at him because he curled back slightly. God, did I come off as rude? I mean i'm not a fan of this new guy mark but he didnt do anything. I think.

"So is the pay good?" Adam once again makes things less awkward. Thank the lord their here.

"It's alright, at least I'm able to have an apartment and stuff." I added, "At least I'm not in debt yet." Adam chuckled. It was such a dumb joke, and yet they thought it was funny. I smiled a bit.

"If you want, I can take you there." "I'm not sure if you're busy or anything, it's just a thought." Adam nodded, Mark just...sat there. "You can come too if you want, Mark." He looked up.

"No, no, it's alright. I don't want to get in the way of your whole reunion" He mumbled, "or whatever this is." "Besides, I have to meet with someone."

"Oh, you did say you had to come over here right?" Adam looked over at Mark. He nodded in response.

"So, like. Is right now, okay?" I asked, Adam looked back at me.

"Yeah, it's perfect."

All three of us stood up and headed out the door. Adam probably thought they were slick because right in front of me Adam handed Mark a piece of paper. It was possibly their number, but why would they give him their number now when they both had seemingly been friends for three months? It just seems weird if you ask me.

After that Adam caught up to me when I started heading towards my apartment. Mark left the opposite way.

"So how far is it? Are we walking?"

"Not far at all, and I don't exactly have a car yet."

"So how do you get around?"

"I walk and bike I guess."

"Cool, cool." The conversation died already. 'Wow Jonah, you're such a people person.' My coworkers always say but they're wrong, half the time I make up things about myself to seem more interesting but that's only to people i would see once or at least twice. But I can't lie to Adam, there is just not much interesting about me anymore.

I remember all the time where we would drive off with no direction late at night and just stare at the stars together. It was fun, until we went on the 'investigation'. Everything was different, there was no time to do anything and Adam's interest seemed to be only on these alternates. Deep in thought I forgot we even passed my apartment.

"Oh, sorry. I wasn't paying attention, it's over back here." I guided us to the door.

"It looks nice on the outside." Adam spoke.

"Well, it's only nice on the outside." It's true, the apartments were repainted outside and only outside. The grass was a healthy green and cut with little to few weeds sticking out. The inside however, was not the best. The walls were a dark grey with stains and the paint was cracked in some places. The floor tiles were also cracked and some even came clean off. I would lie if I said it was only a little bit embarrassing.

I opened the door and let Adam walk in first. The living room was immediately shown when walking in, the kitchen was further back but also connected with the room.

"Wow, not bad. Looks cozy." Adam gave a smile.

I scratched the back of my neck, "Thanks." "You can sit on the couch if you want, I can put on a movie too." Adam fell on the couch while I dug in the box I had that was filled with CD movies. I called out names of movie titles that I had and Adam responded if they wanted to see it. We both ended up settling on a Christmas movie.

"Real early for a christmas movie." Adam remarked as I sat down next to them.

I let out a deep, long sigh. "I know, but this movie is better than the other ones I have." Adam laughed quietly then looked at me.

"I really missed you, you know?" They moved closer to me.

"I know, I'm really that unforgettable." Adam nudged me in the shoulder. We both ended up laughing, not even paying attention to the movie.

"Seriously though, I really did miss you. These whole 3 years have been lonely without you." I looked at Adam while they seemed to stare at the floor as they talked. I felt a warm feeling, I took a short look around and saw Adam's hand on mine. I didn't even notice when that happened. Adam turned to face me.

"Jonah, did...you miss..me?" We made eye contact. I bit my tongue, I mean of course I miss them. But why are they asking? I want to say I did but that's probably what they're expecting. Is this some kind of psycho-whatchamacallit mind game? I broke the train of thought only to see Adam still staring at me, waiting for an answer. Their eyes were shiny, becoming red. They were about to cry. Oh god, what do I do? I can't just stay silent or say I did after such a long pause. Uh, what do I do? Screw it, I'm going to do what I should have done 3 years ago.

Without another second gone, I jumped towards Adam and kissed them. Well, more like smashed my face into theirs. Adam jolted in surprise and took a hot second staring into space while gradually becoming more red. They cover their face with both of their hands and huddled closer to themself.

"Ah, sorry did I hurt you?" I hesitantly stuck my hands out and hover over Adam, not really sure on what to do. Before I could say anything or even move, Adam launched themselves at me and wrapped their arms around my body. I fell backwards, landing on the other cushion of my couch. Adam lifted their head to face me, a big smile grew on their face. I smiled too. They moved their hands from under me and cupped my face, they pulled me into another kiss. This one happened to be longer than the first. And less surprising.

After a bit, Adam pulled away. "About time," They said. I just rolled my eyes. The rest of the day was followed by us watching movies together and really catching up.

Eventually, Adam moved in with me. We later got a bigger apartment, one less dingy. Every now and then Mark would come to visit. From what I've heard, Mark actually found the person he was looking for. Though, they never came by so I just stopped asking about them.

Alternate sightings were really on the low recently and not many terrible things happened. That's good because all the shit we've been through, we deserved a break.

I am your true savior.

I know what you love, I know what you dread.

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