Chapter 17

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Jonah and Adam were finally heading away from the hospital. For all they knew, it was the last time they would see that place.

They turned on the radio while driving, they both ended up singing their hearts out for a good while before stopping by a store for a bottle of water for each of them. Adam stayed in the car while Jonah bought the waters and shoplifted a pack of gum and a candy bar.

"Really Jonah," Adam raised an eyebrow.

"What.. it's not like we're already wanted~" Jonah handed Adam the pack of gum and their water.

"Okayyy..." Adam grabbed the pack of gum and realized it was mint.

"You tryna tell me something?" Adam asked, Jonah laughed in response.

"I think you need it more than I do Jonah." Adam threw the pack at Jonah.

The pair laughed and Jonah started the car again. Both joked around while making their way to the motel.

-timeskip- :]

"We're here," Jonah said while parking in a spot in front of the motel door. Both made their way inside.

"I'm not sure if we're able to get our stuff back home for a good while so.."

"Damn." Adam sounded frustrated.

"Well at least I went out to get groceries for us." Jonah led Adam to the kitchen which was connected to the bedroom. He opened the refrigerator door to show a half gallon of milk, a carton of eggs, butter, and a load of lunchables. Half were crackers while the rest were pizza.

"I don't know what I expected but it was not that." Adam said.

"I got you your favorite, the cracker ones." Jonah pointed at one.

"I get the pizza ones because I'm not weird like you."

Adam crossed their arms and pouted again.

"Well at least I don't read fanfics at literally three in the morning then waking me up to show me you opt every time they breathe." Adam obliged. They gave a smug smirk to Jonah to hear what he would say.

Jonah just squinted his eyes, he exaggerated a frown. He stuck his tongue out once Adam started to laugh like crazy.

But Jonah couldn't stay mad at Adam so they both laughed together once again. 

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