Chapter 16

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Content warning: vey short😭

Adam's P.O.V:

Today is the day I get to leave this place. I won't be missing this anytime soon. My chest pain is still present but it doesn't sting as bad as it used to. The hospital gave me like three replacement bandages. They said every three days to put new bandages on. I'm going to need help though so Jonah's gonna have to suck it up and help me.

All I have to do now is wait for Jonah to pick me up. A nurse came in to give me my original clothes but I was unable to wear my shirts since there was a big hole in both. Jeez, that alternate fucked me up bad.

After a while of waiting Jonah came into the room. He was holding another sweater in his hands.

"Here, I was in a hurry so I grabbed whatever was in reach." He handed the sweater to me. It was a black sweater with our company's brand printed on it with bold yellow letters.

"Is this yours?" I asked Jonah even though the answer was very obvious because my sweater was the one with the hole in it.

"Yeah, sorry I haven't been able to wash it since the last time I wore it.."

"Eww.. Jonah that was literally three weeks ago." I chuckled a bit so he knew not to take it seriously. He laughed with me.

I carefully put the sweater on then and there. Jonah was already heading out the door once I was done.

"Hey! Jonah, wait up!" I speed walked to catch up to him. He laughed at me, I made a pouting face but I couldn't help it and laughed along. We walked down the hallways together for a bit until I felt Jonah grab my hand. We continued walking out hand in hand

AN: sorry this chapter is short-

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