Chapter 7

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Content warning: su!c!dle thoughts

There, in the Mandela County Hospital was a man who had lost everything. The only thing that was keeping him there was his very best friend, his only friend. But he just might lose him too.

[Why? Just why?......Why Adam...why not me... I deserve death more than he deserved to be left behind...Please....take me not Adam...PLEASE.] Jonah, now a broken man, dropped his head down and began to sob. He is losing his only friend and it was his fault.

"Sir?" A voice called out. Jonah picked his head up to see the person calling him.

"I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting without any updates." "Your friend, I believe he is going to be just fine. You can see him if you'd like."

Jonah immediately jumped up from his seat and rushed to the room they put Adam in.

"Th-thanks," Jonah said before disappearing into the room.

There in the back corner of the room was a hospital bed with Adam laying on top of it. As Jonah got close he noticed tubes that were streaming blood into Adam.

Jonah's eyes squinted at the sight of them. He was the reason those were attached to Adam. He was the reason Adam needed blood to be put in his system. Jonah then looked down at Adam who was asleep, Jonah bit his tongue.

[He must be tired, after all I put him through. He deserves better.] Jonah looked for any chairs around, once he found one he placed it right beside the bed.

There, Jonah sat next to his friend. He began to drift off. Finally, Jonah closed his eyes and joined Adam by resting with him.


Author's note: sorry for the short chapter :p

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