Ending 2, part 1.

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Content warning: swearing, uses of guns, blood, body horror,

![Same beginning as before but scroll for a bit to find new content]!

There Jonah and Adam stood. Jonah gave the gun to Adam while he got ready to open the door. Suddenly a distorted voice came through.

Jonah and Adam couldn't make out what it was saying but it sounded like a warning. Jonah looked over to Adam and smiled.

"Once we get out of here I'm going to take you on a date. We're going to goof around and have the best time of our lives. We are going to have so much fun and forget all about this alternate bullshit."

Adam smiled and nodded then refocused on the door, Jonah did the same. Adam gave Jonah the cue and the door was flinged open. Jonah hid behind the door to avoid being seen.

Footsteps could be heard then a laugh that could send shivers down your spine. Adam kept a grip of the gun and waited for the alternate to appear.

Then from around the corner a hand creeped and slithered from the doorframe. It had long sharp claw-like fingers and was a dirty gray. It seemed to be covered in dry blood. It was the same alternate that tried to kill Adam. It didn't die when Jonah shot it, it was merely playing along. Proving how ignorant they both really were.

"A̴d̴a̴m̴~" the alternate called out in a sing song voice. Adam just kept pointing the gun to the open door. The alternate poked its head out and slowly started to make its way to Adam. Without a word they shot once, twice, three times. The shells of the bullets fell on the wooden flooring. Jonah made his way to Adam, staying close to the wall and as far as possible from the alternate.

The alternate was not affected by the visible bullet holes on its body, it just kept moving towards Adam. Adam kept shooting right until they ran out of bullets. The alternate was already close enough and raised its claw above its head and swung it to strike Adam.

Adam closed their eyes shut to brace for the hit. Then they were pushed out of the way and landed on the floor by Jonah. The alternate's hand slashed Jonah on the side. He let out a piercing scream in pain as blood began flowing out and streaming down his leg and onto the wood.

"JONAH!" Adam picked themselves up and rushed to Jonah. Jonah began to fall and was about to pass out. Adam quickly grabbed Jonah and fell with him.

"Jonah no.. Please Jonah. D-don't die on me right now. Jonah?... JONAH!" Adam began to sob and held on to Jonah tightly.

"Adam...watch out." Jonah's voice was weak but he still managed to lift his hand to point at the alternate, rising its hand once more to strike Adam.


[New content]


Adam looked back to see what Jonah was warning them about. They couldn't die, not now. Jonah still needed to take them on that date he promised. Adam moved out of this way, the alternate's claw fortunately got stuck between the wooden floor.

Without hesitation Adam swiftly got up and picked up Jonah. They ran out of the house as the alternate grew more frustrated and desperate to get free.

Adam turned the car on and put Jonah in the passenger seat. They tailed it out of there and rushed back to the very hospital Adam was taken to.

"Heh- isn't this familiar?" Jonah said while putting pressure against their side where the alternate struck.

"Everythings gonna be okay dude. We are going to the hospital, you're going to get treated and then once you recover we are going to go on that date. Please promise me you'll hold on a little longer okay?" Adam reached over to pat Jonah's leg but their hand kept aggressively shaking.

"Okay Jonah?"

"......Jonah?" Adam looked over to see Jonah crying.

"Adam.. I don't want to die. Not now." His voice became a whimper.

Adam kept switching their attention to the road and Jonah.

"You're not going to die. I-I won't let you." They were also beginning to cry.

Before they could process it Jonah and Adam were already at the hospital. Adam quickly got off without even turning the car off and took Jonah to the ER.

"Adam Murray?" A nurse said as Adam ran in.

"Please my friend h-he.."

"Please calm down, what happened?"

–Time Skip–

The doctors were taking care of Jonah. Adam had his bandages replaced and now they are waiting for any updates on their boyfriends injuries.

All of a sudden two cops showed up and said they were looking for an "Adam Murray".

[Shit. No.. Not now.. Jonahs going to be alone.. I can't-] the two cops walked up to Adam and asked him to verify his identity.

"Adam Murray, you are under arrest. You are currently on the run and wanted by the FBI. Your friend Jonah Marshall will join you in prison after he has made a full recovery." One of the cops grabbed Adam and placed them in handcuffs while the other one stood there.

Adam couldn't say anything, they didn't want to make the situation anymore worse.

"You will be put in the bythorne prison until your trial. Your friend will go to the Mandela county prison."

"What! B-but you can't just separate us. Aren't you supposed to put us in the prison in the town we live in!?"

"Hush it down. Your friend is only going there because of his medical injuries." Adam felt angered and bitter. But they stayed silent all the way to the prison which was more of a cell in the police station than anything.

Adam sat down on the metal bench in the cell, they hung their head down and thought to themselves for the rest of the night until they eventually fell asleep. 

AN: I have gifted you another ending. Be grateful /j. Anyways I just wanted to say thank you guys for literally 12k reads. Like- 😢 i thought that this fic would just end up dying after a few chapters but it only grew. It's given me much more confidence to continue writing then ever, I never really thought I would get into writing but here I am. Lol. I wanted to stand out from the other fics by giving a second ending to this. (Maybe just maybe another one) But who knows, maybe a whole new fanfic even. If that's something you guys would like to read. Okay okay this author's note is getting lengthy so bye bye for now.🤠🤚

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