Chapter 19

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Content warning: swearing, Adam being an absolute idiot.

Days went by, the two did the same thing every day for two weeks.

"You think that alternate gave up and is out of our house?" Jonah asked Adam.

"Maybe but it could still be determined to wait for us."

"Well what if we get our necessities real quick. You know, in an' out." Jonah suggested.

"Well maybe but one of us is going to take the gun, I don't want another tragedy caused by an alternate."

"Okay then, do we go right now?"

Adam paused for a bit, they thought for a second and replied.

"Let's go."

The pair walked to the car and started heading off. Both were in their own worlds during the drive so no conversation was brought up.

–Time Skip–

Jonah pulled up in the driveway, the house was more or less considered a trailer but they didn't want to seem too ghetto.

"Alright, I'll look out and have the gun. You grab whatever is necessary." Jonah spoke.

"Okay then.. let's just go."

They hopped off the car and made their way to the front door. Jonah slowly opened the door and cautiously looked around. They climbed up the few steps and into the house.

Jonah pointed the gun to unchecked corners of the house while staying close and guarding Adam. Adam meanwhile had grabbed a black trash bag and stuffed the majority of what was laying around.

Then the two heard footsteps from another room. Both stood still, too scared to make a sound or anything to alert whatever that they were there.

Jonah started walking to the front door to leave slowly while keeping the gun fixed on the hallway. Adam soon followed but then they felt interested.

Adam took a few steps towards the sound but Jonah put his arm in front, blocking them.

"Adam, what are you doing!?" Jonah whispered.

"Dude come on, this is interesting. An alternate is in our house and we could check it out."

"Are you crazy!?" Jonah still kept the whispered tone.

"Come on Jonah, just a peek. There's no harm in that." Adam took a few more steps, shoving Jonah's arm out of their way.

"Adam please, not this again." Jonah begged. But unfortunately it didn't work.

Jonah decided to follow Adam before he was worried that the alternate might see them. They slowly creeper closer to the room. Adam opened the door slightly and peeked inside. After a brief moment Adam stood up straight and opened the door completely.

Jonah was shocked but didn't say anything, Adam walked inside the room without a word and Jonah followed. The room was empty, not anything was out of the ordinary.

Then once Jonah was fully inside the room, the door immediately slammed shut behind him. Both Jonah and Adam flinched at the sound and Jonah rushed to open the door. Jonah pulled on the door and twisted the door knob but to no avail.

"Shit shit shit!" Jonah yelled. He banged one on the door and placed his forehead on the door. Jonah sighed.

"Jonah?....look man I'm sorry I didn't-" Adam tried to finish his sentence but they didn't have a good excuse. Jonah got up and turned to face Adam. He walked over to them and gave them a hug. Adam hugged back and the two were in silence hugging each other for a while.

AN: hehehehhe yes I posted early because I love you guys that much. Platonically.🤠 And also because I can do what I want.


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