Chapter 3

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Content warning: cringe😢

"Almost there." Jonah said very impatiently. He became more and more stressed by the second. He thought about what Adam had said to him when he tried to talk Adam out of the investigation. All he wanted was to be somewhere safe, eating pizza with his very close friend. Sharing jokes and memories of their past selves.

Jonah couldn't help but think about the way Adam laughed and smiled, it made him feel more at ease. It was weird. To be thinking about this stuff. To be paying close attention to small details like that.

Jonah couldn't help but smile at such a strange concept.

[What would Adam say?]

Jonah's smile started to fade.

[What would Adam say?] Would he think Jonah was a creep or even a pervert for thinking like this? Jonah's stomach dropped. He swallowed hard, he felt warmer than usual.

This was weird. Jonah started to think.

[I shouldn't be-........ I- .......] Jonah began to trail off thought. He'll deal with it later. Jonah's top priority was to find Adam and bring him back home where they would both be safe.


"A̴d̴a̴m̴." A voice said in a whisper.

"A̴d̴a̴m̴, p̴l̴e̴a̴s̴e̴ w̴a̴k̴e̴ u̴p̴. I̴t̴s̴ m̴e̴. J̴o̴n̴a̴h̴."

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