Chapter 5

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Content warning: use of guns, violence, body horror, mentions of blood

Jonah felt ill. He felt numb, as if he had run so far for a long period of time straight and is just now stopping. He couldn't process what he saw at that very moment. Time and anything else didn't matter, it was like it never existed.

Adam was now on the basement floor wounded. Blood was slowly coming out of a wound in his chest. His hand pressed against it to try and stop the bleeding.

There, next to him was a familiar yet uncanny figure that resembled Jonah. Except it looked so wrong.

[An alternate....]Jonah thought. His hands began to shake rapidly as he brought his pistol up and aimed it at the alternate.

"Y-you." Jonah began with spite and anger in his voice. His eyebrows lowers and his mouth widens, teeth clenched.

"YOU!" Jonah couldn't hold back his anger, he began to shoot at the alternate. He hit it two times on its inhuman body. The alternative then started to distort its physical features. Growing taller and slimmer, turning a pitch black with white, large, soulless eyes staring at Jonah.

Jonah then aimed at the alternate's head. And after shooting it and missing, the alternate fell. It was dead.

Without any other thought Jonah ran to Adam.

"Adam! Adam please.." Jonah tried to make his speech clear but he needed to cry. He needed to let this pain he's felt out. With Adam, it made it easier.

Jonah collected himself, he needed to bring Adam back up so he could help him stop bleeding. Jonah tried his best to pick Adam up. He wasn't really the athletic type nor was Adam.

[God damnit- he's really heavy... there is no time to complain Jonah. I need to take him to the hospital as fast as possible.]Jonah rushed up the stairs, Adam, in his arms.

"Adam. Please say something. I just want to know if you're still with me...Please!" Jonah yelled. All he wants right now is to keep Adam alive. Adam slowly lifted his head to look at Jonah, he was holding back tears himself.

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